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How to Get More Out of Your Treadmill Workouts

How to Get More Out of Your Treadmill Workouts

Treadmill workouts can cover a wide range of intensity levels and speeds. They can also range from very simple to extremely difficult.

Today, I’ll share an interview that I did a few weeks back when I was in Miami.

It is with my fellow Canadian, Shawna Kaminski. She is from an area that gets a lot of snow so it can be difficult to go outside to exercise in the winter. She talks about how you can add the treadmill into your workout to get more from your workouts.

Take it away, Shawna.


Rick: Hey, this is Rick Kaselj from with Shawna Kaminski. We are down here in Miami attending a mastermind conference. Usually, we meet up and do a wide variety of videos. With this one, we are going to talk about a device that we used to hate but are beginning to like it more… and that is the treadmill.

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Shawna: Exactly! Yeah, I think most of us would make fun of anyone who is using a treadmill and be like, “Get off the treadmill. The treadmill is not great for fat loss. It’s going to cause injuries. You are not going to get the fat loss results or the body of your dreams on the treadmill”. And yet how many fit pros are going to be here, all singing the same song, “I go into a gym, there is a sea of treadmills”, we are not winning this battle.

Rick: Yes, even if you go into the gym at the hotel. There are like 8 treadmills.

Shawna: Everybody is on a treadmill, so I thought what can we do?

Rick: 8 treadmills and a very cute 5-pound kettlebell!

Shawna: Exactly, like seriously? So, it’s like what can we do? Because we are not changing people’s minds on the treadmill, I thought we need to meet people on the treadmill, right?

Rick: Yeah!

Shawna: One of the problems on the treadmill is that the workouts are long, typically 30 to 60 plus minutes. So, I have backed down. I have made workouts for only 20 minutes but upped the intensity. We are doing workouts like running on a treadmill, and doing different locomotive steps like side steps, backward. Trying to get a little used to this, right? And so, I want people to be doing upper body exercises too so we are off the treadmill. We are doing inverted rows on the handles, push-ups, and all kinds of things so it’s not just lower body because you are always dealing with people with lower body injuries on the treadmill, right?

Rick: Yeah! Knees, sore knees, and shins…

Shawna: And so, I just thought I feel like we need to redeem the treadmill. I just wanted to tell you and your readers about the redemption of the treadmill for a terrific fat loss program where you can actually get fantastic results.

Rick: Okay! And so instead of being typical, you want people to go for twenty minutes not thirty minutes or an hour on the treadmill. Before we were talking about taking it completely off but now you are using it. You get them on the treadmill for a lot shorter period of time. Then you increase the intensity so with them being on the treadmill a lot less, there is less likelihood of injury. You have utilized the treadmill by getting them to add that intensity, getting them off the treadmill, and bringing in the upper body and lower body exercises so that they can get a full body workout instead of just overworking your joints and just working your cardiovascular system.

Shawna: Exactly! Just in a shorter amount of time because the number one objection to working out is “I don’t have time”. Everybody has twenty minutes.

Rick: Yeah, I completely agree. I know, time with myself, with training people and the business, kids, wife, my mother and mother-in-law, it’s difficult to find what I had in the twenties which is like three hours to workout.

Shawna: Yes!

Rick: Now, it’s like 10 to 30 minutes.

Shawna: Exactly! And so if you can work your entire body as well as your core, you could be a marathon runner, you could be a grandma because I use something called PRE, Perceived Rate of Exertion. You don’t even have to be running on the treadmill. You could be doing a power walk for people that are nursing injuries or maybe not quite as fit. So, it could really be the gambit of beginners to advanced. We are using the treadmill like I am using jump rope or burpees, fast and dirty.

Rick: Awesome! Where can people get more information about you, Shawna? There are lots of articles and videos from Shawna on, but where can they get more information on your treadmill program?

Shawna: On

Rick: Yeah, I will have more information underneath this blog post.

Shawna: Alright!

Rick: So, thank you very much, Shawna!

Shawna: And let’s go enjoy Miami!

Rick: Make sure to swing by Enter in your injury or pain. There is a good chance that I have an article, a video, or an interview for you or enter Shawna’s name. She has a whole bunch of articles when it relates to jumping rope, burpees, arm flexes, and all kinds of helpful suggestions! If you are watching this on YouTube, head up above and hit “Subscribe”. Every couple of days you will receive a video like this and give it a thumbs up. You can also leave Shawna and I a question or comment underneath this blog post.

Take care!

For your workout guide to losing fat and getting fit without doing traditional cardio workouts, check out Cardio for Those Who Hate Cardio, here!

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