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How to Replace Sprints with Bodyweight Exercises

Today, I have some exercises that you can do, if you can’t do sprinting.

They are from my good friend, Mike Whitfield.

Enjoy that article and exercises.

Rick Kaselj, MS


Hey, it’s my Mike Whitfield here with Sprint Conditioning. I want to give you a breakdown of the 4 Bodyweight Exercises that you can actually replace sprints with. If you are not comfortable of doing sprints or if you want an indoor option, these are the 4 exercises that you can choose from to replace those sprints.

The only thing to remember is each and every one of these exercises has to be done at sprint intensity. Meaning, you want to replace the intensity of a sprint with this bodyweight exercise. You got to really focus on doing them as fast as possible but under control.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

#1 – Running in Place

It’s a great replacement for sprinting.

Running in Place (warm up pace)

Running in Place (workout pace)

We are going to crank it up to another level, we are going to do it at a sprinting pace. In other words, I want you to go as fast as you can just like that! That’s the running in place replacement.

Running in Place (sprinting pace)

#2 – Split Shuffle

This is a great less impact on the knees option to replace the sprint with. What you need to do is just like a boxer you are going to shuffle your feet back and forth.

As you bring your right foot out, your right hand goes out. And as you bring your left foot out, your left hand goes out. It’s something like you are a jogging T-Rex. It’s a great non-impact.

Split Shuffle (workout pace)

But again, we got to match that sprinting intensity. You are going to do it as fast as you can but under control.

Split Shuffle (sprinting pace)

#3 – Jumping Jacks

It’s an old school exercise. I am sure you are familiar with this.

Jumping Jacks (workout pace)

But we have to take it up to another level. Sprinting pace, we got to do it as fast as possible but under control.

Jumping Jacks (sprinting pace)

#4 – Total Body Extension

This is one of my favorite non-impact exercises. You are going to set your feet about shoulder width apart or maybe a little wider. You are going to do almost about a quarter of a squat. Looking straight ahead, your hands are behind your glutes and you are going to explode up and then back down. Again, up and back down. That’s a normal Total Body Extension.

Total Body Extension (workout pace)

But let me show you one little trick so that we can match the intensity of a sprint and that is normally you are going to come up with your toes but to replace sprints I want you to take that out. In other words, I just want you to come up without coming up with your toes but still bringing the arms above your head.

Total Body Extension (sprinting pace)

Again, we need to match the sprint intensity. You don’t want to come up on your tip toes . You want to stay flat-footed. That’s going to allow you to get through more reps faster.

There you go. Those are the 4 Bodyweight Exercises that you can replace your sprints with. If you want an indoor option or if you want to replace your sprints, those are the 4 exercises to choose from. Have fun and I will see you on our next workout.

If you can do sprinting and you are looking for a new way to workout, have a look at Sprint Conditioning Workouts, here:

Mike Whitfield, Master CCT


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