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Knee Injury and Squatting

Knee Injury and Squatting

If you’ve ever experienced a knee injury, you know how difficult it can be to resume usual activities. Squatting is one of the most common exercises people perform to strengthen their quadriceps and gluteus muscles.

However, if your knee is weak or injured, squatting may put additional strain on the joint and lead to further damage. If you have a recent knee injury or are recovering from one, there are other ways to build strength in your quadriceps and gluteus muscles without squatting.

You can also take precautions when performing squats so that you don’t cause further damage to your knees. Read on for information about squatting and knee injury and valuable information on resolving neck pain.

Very excited about this week. Lots of great stuff is coming up.

For starters, Spinal Health & Core Training is finally here.

I am off to Edmonton this weekend to present with Tony Gentilcore, Dean Somerset, and Dr. Jeff Cubos. We will cover every aspect of spinal health and core training. Tony has performance, Dean has fitness, Jeff has assessment, and I have rehab. It is going to be great. It will be a lot of fun to meet trainers and coaches. They are from Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Newfoundland, Oakland, and Boston.

I don’t have a video clip from Edmonton, but I have one from a presentation that I did last month in Windsor called Optimal Injury Recovery:

CLICK HERE to watch the Knee Injury and Squatting video

Neck Pain Solved

Another project that I am working on this week is a neck pain exercise program.

It has been great to get this done.

I have been planning on putting a program together for this for some time. Over the last few weeks, it has been fun looking back at all the exercises I use, seeing if there are some new ones out there, and seeing what the research says.

I know the program will help a lot of people as I just got a FB message for some neck pain exercises:

It will be great to refer people to the program and help them out, just like the Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome exercises helped out Travis:

Hello Rick,

I have purchased your Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Solution
and I’m loving it.

It’s changing my gait in positive way. i.e. Feet are turning more
in and I’m more on the outside of the feet as I have flat feet.

And less knee pain and that’s only after a very short period
of time.

Kindest regards,


While some injuries are unavoidable, most can be avoided through the judicious use of caution and good judgment. In the case of a knee injury, squat sets may not be the best option. If you have a recent knee injury or are recovering from one, you should avoid squat sets. Squats rely on the extended knee joint. If your knees weaken by injury or your joint is undergoing increased loading due to the overused quadriceps, squat sets can be an additional strain on your knees and lead to further damage. Always seek advice from your health professional.

That is it for today.

I am off to do a few assessments, then head to the gym to take photos and videos for the neck pain program. I have already got 58 exercises into the program.

Oh, yeah, the neck pain program will be coming out tomorrow. Watch for the email!

Rick Kaselj, MS

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