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1-Minute Microbreak to Boost Energy


Although your day may be filled with meetings, phone calls, customer interactions and places to go, everyone has a minute or so to spare. When you can spare one of those minutes, give these four microbreak exercises a try.  These exercises are designed to increase your energy dramatically and get you out of any slump you may be in and help you make the best out of the rest of your day.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video about Microbreak Exercises To Boost Energy.

1. Leg Raises Left

For this exercise, you can either perform this as a bodyweight exercise or use a chair or lean on a wall for support. For our purposes, we will use the back of a chair.

Begin in an upright standing position maintaining proper alignment with your head, shoulders, hips and legs. Place your hands on the back of the chair for support. Engage your core, and extend your left leg back. Lower your leg back down to the center, and then kick your leg out to the side. Repeat the sequence of movements.

Leg Raises Left

Perform one set of 15 seconds. Perform the exercise in a smooth, controlled movement. The intensity of this exercise is light.

2. Leg Raises Right

Sam as the previous exercise, you can either perform this as a bodyweight exercise or use a chair or lean on a wall for support. Again, for our purposes, we will use the back of a chair.

Begin in an upright standing position maintaining proper alignment with your head, shoulders, hips and legs. Place your hands on the back of the chair for support. Engage your core, and extend your right leg back. Lower your leg back down to the center, and then kick your leg out to the side. Repeat the sequence of movements.

Leg Raises Right

Perform one set of 15 seconds. Perform the exercise in a smooth, controlled movement. The intensity of this exercise is light.

3. Arm Openers

Begin in an upright standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, maintaining proper alignment with your head, shoulders, hips and legs. Engage your core and swing your arms out to the sides, then bring your hands overhead. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Arm Openers

Perform one set of 15 seconds. Perform the exercise in a smooth, controlled movement. The intensity of this exercise is light.

4. Skater Jumps

Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and hinge through your hips to move into an athletic position. Take a big step to one side as you counter the movement by raising your opposite hand. Repeat the movement on the opposite side.

Skater Jumps 

Perform one set of 15 seconds, alternating from side to side with each skater jump. Perform the exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a brief stop at the end of each jump. The intensity of this exercise is light.

These four microbreak exercises to boost energy can help reinvigorate you and help you get through your day in only 60 seconds. Get out of that slump and feel invigorated with these four microbreak exercises. Do them once per day or several times and see how much better you feel.

To get an effective workout without any equipment, check out Bodyweight Blender, here!

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