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Number One Workout Mistake That is Wrecking Your Elbows

Number One Workout Mistake That is Wrecking Your Elbows

I’ll go through the number one workout mistake that is wrecking your elbows.

Working out is a great way to lose weight, strengthen your muscles, improve your cardio endurance, and get fit fast. Unfortunately, it’s also a sport with its fair share of injuries. Whether you’re new to working out or have been hitting the gym for years, you can strain or tear ligaments.  You can also strain your tendons and other parts of your elbows if you are not careful. Working out can be dangerous if you aren’t careful because it is easy to make mistakes that put stress and cause lasting damage.

It’s not uncommon for people to unknowingly sabotage their workout efforts. While exercising is essential for keeping your body healthy and strong, it can also do some damage if done incorrectly or too intensely. If you’re new to the gym scene or simply want to avoid elbow pain and other issues that may come with working out, take note of these helpful tips. Working out should be a pleasure, not a painful experience!
Working out can actually harm your body if done without caution. Pushing yourself past your limits at the gym is a great way to get fit faster, but it can be detrimental to your joints if you aren’t careful.
Many people don’t realize that overexerting yourself while lifting weights or doing too many reps of a certain exercise can result in long-term pains in your arms and elbows in particular.

In this video, I’ll go through the number one workout mistake that is wrecking your elbows.

Click Here to watch the YouTube video.

It is a pretty common belief out there that when it comes to working out, most of us focus way too much on pushing exercises and not enough time on pulling (rowing) exercises. We end up doing a 1:1 ratio of pushing to pulling, or even a 2:1 ratio (2 exercises of pulling to 1 exercise of pushing). If you follow this belief, you’re potentially wrecking your elbows.

You are especially at risk of injuring your elbows if you do too many pulling exercises. You make this major mistake. Focusing on HWFE is super important when it comes to rolling or pulling movements to not wreck the elbows. H is for Hand, W is for Wrist, F is for Forearm and E is for Elbow. The hand should be in line with the wrist, forearm, and elbow when performing any pulling or rolling movements.

Stress on the Elbows

When performing an overhand or underhand rowing movement and neglecting to focus on the hand, wrist, forearm, and elbow, you are breaking the movement, which causes too much flexion. For example, some people may curl their wrists at the top of the movement. This puts unnecessary stress on the elbows.


When doing any type of pulling or rowing movement, place the hand, wrist, forearm, and elbows in good alignment. Focus on the movement that is happening in the shoulder blades, shoulders, and back areas. Most of the work should be coming from the back and shoulder area, not the hands, wrists, forearms, or elbows. 

Give that a go and try a couple of repetitions where you are over curling and see how your elbows feel. And then, align your hand, wrist, forearm, and elbows in a nice straight line and see how your elbows feel. If you experience minor elbow discomfort and fail to alter your approach, you’ll soon be plagued with severe elbow pain.

Make sure to swing by There is a good chance that I have a video, an interview, or a blog post on your injury or pain. Enter your injury or pain into the search bar on the top right of the screen. There is a good chance that I have something for you that will help you.

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you want to end your elbow pain and learn dozens of other secrets that will prevent it from coming back, then check out Tennis Elbow Pain Solution, here!

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