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Say Goodbye to Achy Elbows with this Exercise!

Say Goodbye to Achy Elbows with this Exercise

Today, I went over an exercise you can do for achy elbows.

One of the causes of achy, sore, or painful elbows is weak grip strength. I wanted to go through a really easy exercise that you can add to your workouts roughly twice a week. This exercise is walking 30 feet with the Farmer’s Walk.

Click Here to watch the YouTube video.

The Farmer’s Walk can be done in a wide variety of ways. If you look online, you can find Farmer’s Walk Bars or Farmer’s Walk Handles, but most gyms don’t have them. If you are in a cross-fit or strong-man gym, you might have those specific handles or bars. But you will always be able to find dumbbells, kettlebells, and barbells at your home gym or in your local gym.

1. Farmer’s Walk with a Barbell for Achy Elbow

Grab the middle of the barbell and lift it. Take the barbell for a walk for roughly 30 feet, 15 out, and 15 back.

Farmer’s Walk with a Barbell

The drawback of using a barbell is that such a long lever requires work to balance. This can be a positive thing or can be a negative thing if it’s too much for your elbow or if it irritates your elbow pain.

2. Farmer’s Walk with a Kettlebell for Achy Elbow

Take the kettlebell for a walk. It’s important to remember not to hunch over.

Farmer’s Walk with a Kettlebell (Wrong Position)

Keep your body nice and square. Stay strong in the core as you take the kettlebell for a walk.

 Farmer’s Walk with a Kettlebell (Correct Position)

Look for a challenging weight where you can feel your core and forearm working to hold the weight. Build up to a point where you can do about 75% of your body weight (if you are at a healthy body weight).

3. Farmer’s Walk with a Dumbbell for Achy Elbow

Use a dumbbell and take it for a walk.

Farmer’s Walk with a Dumbbell

I have given you three options that you can do. If you have achy elbows, give the Farmer’s Walk a go. If you don’t have the Farmer’s Walk bars or handles, you can take the barbell, the kettlebell, or the dumbbell for a walk to improve your grip strength, which will ease things up when it comes to your elbow pain.

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

For your guide to eliminating elbow pain, check out the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution here!

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