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Seniors Can Prepare Ahead to Stay Healthy this Winter


Winter is a popular season that brings family and friends together. Even though there are many reasons to celebrate, it is necessary to be prepared. This is because there are many potential dangers that come with the cold season.

Hence, as we prepare to usher the colder months of the year, it is good for our seniors to be equipped. They need to get ready for any risks that this cold season can bring. According to numerous studies, there are many cases of illness and injuries due to cold, dry air, icy sidewalks, flu viruses, and many others. Some of the risks associated with the cold weather are hypothermia, frostbite, falls and joint problems due to lack of exercises.

Broadly speaking, dementia patients may seem to have similar issues, the truth is there are likely different symptoms occurring because the affected parts of the brain vary from one person to another.

Due to all these risks, it is vital for the seniors to prepare how to stay healthy during the winter season. By preparing now, you will be able to reduce depression, alleviate stress and allow your seniors to enjoy the season to the fullness. Here are some of the tips on how to prepare for the fall.

Tips on How Seniors Can Prepare to Stay Healthy This Winter

Plan Ahead

By planning for the season, you can be able to prevent various winter risks. So, before the winter comes, check your doors and windows. If there are some cracks or sealants, make sure they are repaired.

Also, have more groceries to avoid taking many trips to the stores, make sure there are enough warm clothes, inspect the fireplace or the heaters and ensure there is plenty of vitamin D, among other nutrients.

Always Stay Warm

Senior citizens are prone to numerous afflictions like hypothermia. This is a condition that occurs when too much heat escapes the body. To avoid such risks, it is important to stay dry, dress warmly and eat well. Keep in mind that proper nutrition will also keep the body warm. Consider having warm drinks readily available to keep you or the elderly warm during the fall. Also, when going outdoors, ensure you dress warmly and, to avoid falls, wear shoes that have been designed for winter.

Stay Active

During the cold season, most senior citizens limit movements by sitting on their sofas or enjoying the warmth of blankets or fireplaces. Even though staying warm is essential, being inactive is a serious risk. Inactiveness comes with many conditions that include heart and joint problems. Therefore, look for ways that can keep your loved ones healthy and active. Some ways to help the seniors stay active include:

Always Communicate

Some older adults may not communicate their demands or may not know what they want during winter. Hence, communicating with them before this winter will help you plan and purchase the important items they need before the first frost occurs.

Bottom Line

Seniors need to prepare now for them to stay healthy this winter. Keep in mind that you will be able to avoid the many dangers that come with the winter and help your loved ones remain healthy the entire cold season.

Guest Author Bio

Jane Byrne of has been working in the care industry for more than five years as a project coordinator. She regularly blogs about both the personal and practical challenges of caring and is actively working on producing informative content.

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