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Should I Stop or Continue Doing the Fix My Shoulder Pain Program?

Should I Stop or Continue Doing the Fix My Shoulder Pain Program

This is the second Google Hangout that I have done. I wanted to answer a question from customer support relating to the Fix My Shoulder Pain program. This product can help you overcome shoulder pain, especially if you are a person who loves working out. You can get more information at about the product.

Fix My Shoulder Pain Program

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This question is from Marco. He has shoulder impingement on the right side and will start physical therapy. He asked if he should suspend or continue the program while getting physical therapy done.

In my opinion, you should continue using the Fix My Shoulder Pain Program. You are not going to do the whole program, but I feel there are still parts of the program that will benefit you and complement what you are getting from physical therapy. For instance, when focusing on the technical side of things, ensure your technique is perfect when working out. Poor technique is the one reason people injure their shoulders in the gym. You can double-check and confirm with your physical therapist, but I am confident that the Fix My Shoulder Pain Program will still benefit you.

Also, work on the breathing side of things, especially regarding the shoulder. Because of pain, people will breathe improperly or hold their breath and consequently have an imbalance in their shoulders. Breathing improperly worsens that imbalance, slows recovery, and increases the risk of re-injury.

Working on your Posture

When it comes to posture, highlighting and working on your posture will benefit your shoulder recovery and prevent re-injury. You can get more details in the Fix My Shoulder Pain Program regarding the self-massage I recommend for shoulder impingement.

So there you go, Marco! Thank you very much for the question. Now, if you are a Fix My Shoulder Pain customer, I have a page where I have answered many questions relating to Fix My Shoulder Pain. Make sure to visit the page. It has been emailed to you. If you have other questions for me, the best spot to ask is on the Exercises For Injuries Facebook secret group page. It is free if you have already received the Fix My Shoulder Pain Program. I jump in there every business day and answer questions.

Final Word

If this is the first video you have seen and you haven’t visited, make sure to swing by the website. There is a good chance that I have an article, a video, or an interview that will help you overcome your injury or pain. I look forward to hearing from you and talking to you on the Exercises For Injuries Facebook secret group page.

Second, if you watch this on YouTube, head above and hit “Subscribe.” Every couple of days, you will receive a video where I answer people’s questions, an interview that I have done, or tips and tricks on overcoming injury and pain.

Third, head down below hit “Like,” and leave me a question or comment.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you are suffering from shoulder discomfort, click here to check out the Shoulder Pain Solved program.

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