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Training Mistakes that Lead to Injuries with Eric Cressey


Making time for exercise can be difficult, but it is essential to make the time. You should aim to exercise at least 30 minutes every day, even if it is only a quick walk. This can be done at any time of day and can include anything from walking briskly around the block to going for a run or doing a set of squats.

There are many different types of exercise you can do. Some may feel more comfortable than others, but there is something for everyone. If you have pain or discomfort when exercising, talk to your doctor about what options might work best for you.

Before starting any new workout routine, it is essential to make sure you are properly fit for the activity. Start slow and build up your intensity over time. If you start with too much intensity too soon, you could risk injury or overuse issues in your body.

As you work out, you’re bound to make mistakes. Some might be minor, while others can be quite serious. One common mistake is doing too much. This can lead to overtraining, which can lead to injuries.

Another mistake is under rehydrating. This can lead to a loss of electrolytes and dehydration, leading to an injury. Therefore, it’s important to hydrate well before, during, and after your workout. As well as that, it’s essential to warm up before starting an exercise and cool down afterward.

Lastly, it’s important to stretch properly before and after your workout. If you don’t try properly, you risk muscle pulls and strains. You know my thing is injuries, so I wanted to chat with someone on Training Mistakes that Lead to Injuries. Eric Cressey agreed to share some great info with you on the topic.

Take it away, Eric.

(To listen to the interview, scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the play button.  If you do not have time to listen to it, just click the “download” button and download it to your computer. Enjoy!)

Eric Training Mistakes interview shares :

I want to inform you about the interview. Because Eric was traveling to see a boxing client having a match, he was in the car with us last Friday night. During the interview, the reception was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and he was sitting in the passenger seat. He is a real trooper for sticking it out until the end of the interview to provide you with some excellent information.

Just a reminder, you will be hearing a lot about Eric’s Show and Go program this week. Before you get it, look at my program review and how it will help you.

You can check out my Show and Go Review here.

Plus, if you order the program through me, I will throw in a 90 Foam Rolling presentation I did a few months back.

That is it. I was looking, and this was my 36th interview. Very cool!

If you have an idea for an interview or someone I should interview, please email me.

Take care, and we will talk to you soon.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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