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What Causes Frozen Shoulder?

Adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder has different causes, but before we get into that, let’s look at the two types of frozen shoulder.

The Two Types of Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder can be classified into two types: primary frozen shoulder and secondary frozen shoulder.

Any injury involving the shoulder joint may cause a frozen shoulder. The outcome of these changes in the shoulder causes pain and tightens and restricts the joint’s movement.

Shoulder Injuries that Cause Frozen Shoulder

The following injuries have been associated with frozen shoulder:

Shoulder injury typically involves pain. Pain limits movement of the affected shoulder and may impede an individual from performing their usual routine. Prolonged immobilization has been connected to the frozen shoulder. The incidence of frozen shoulder is higher in patients with diabetes, especially those dependent on insulin. Sports Injury Clinic (2012) suggests that excess glucose molecules stick to the collagen fibers in the joint capsule, contributing to joint stiffness.

Diagnosis and Prognosis of Frozen Shoulder

Diagnosing Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder syndrome is diagnosed by a physician who performs a complete medical history and conducts a thorough physical examination. The physician usually orders a magnetic resonance imaging or ultrasound to examine the soft tissues of the shoulder, such as the rotator cuff, or to get a deeper understanding of the injury. Patients with signs and symptoms of frozen shoulder are often referred for an x-ray of the shoulder.

Common Outcome for Frozen Shoulder

The prognosis (probable outcome) for patients with frozen shoulder syndrome who receive the proper treatment is generally favorable. Often, the first treatment options are physical therapy, frozen shoulder exercises, and conservative modalities described in the next section, which positively affect the frozen shoulder. Without consistent and aggressive treatment, the effects of a frozen shoulder can be permanent (Shiel, 2011).

Rick Kaselj, MS.

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