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What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Brett had been running all his life but more intensely the past four years. He’d conquered a couple of marathons and didn’t plan to slow down anytime soon, but then he started to experience something new. After running for about five miles, his right knee would act up. Brett described it as “seizing up” as it became stiff and painful. It got harder to bend the knee, and after he finished his run, the soreness lasted for hours.

Brett stretched and iced and tried to run through it, but the pain only got worse. Soon, he couldn’t rest with his leg straight and bending his knee was extremely painful. Stairs became a huge challenge. He tried resting it again, but although he felt some better after about a week when he tried to return to running, the pain returned.

Brett was frustrated. This injury was interfering with his training schedule. So, he turned to his doctor and found out he had “Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome,” or “runner’s knee,” as it’s sometimes called. His doctor referred him to a sports exercise therapist, and Brett learned that for him, rest wasn’t going to be enough. He was going to have to strengthen and condition the affected area.

But how?

The Facts About Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a term used to describe the pain that can occur in front of the knee and around the patella or kneecap. It may be called “runner’s knee” or “jumper’s knee” as it’s most common in athletes, although it can affect anyone at any time.

The syndrome occurs when something goes wrong in the tissues, tendons, and bone around the kneecap. Often, there is inflammation in this area, which causes the nerves to send out pain signals. To understand what’s going on, it helps to review the anatomy of the knee.

To form the knee, the thighbone (femur) comes down to join the shinbone (tibia), and the knee joint connects the two. Ligaments and tendons do the job of linking the bones together like ropes strung between the thigh and shin. The patella is the kneecap or top of the knee joint and is connected to tendons in the thigh and shin that help stabilize it.

At the top of the femur sits a groove called the “trochlea.” When you bend or straighten the leg, the patella moves inside this groove. The movement is usually smooth because of cartilage that covers both the groove and the end of the femur as well as the underside of the patella. Synovium fluid inside the knee joint also keeps things lubricated, so they move easily.

PFPS is the most common cause of knee pain in the United States. Researchers note that it constitutes 16 to 25 percent of all injuries in runners. They also state that forces on the patella range from between one-third and one-half of a person’s body weight during walking to three times body weight during stair climbing and up to seven times body weight during squatting. If the movement is off-center or uneven somehow, or if something is going wrong and straining the structures around the knee, pain may develop.

What Causes of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

The most common cause of this syndrome is overuse. That’s why athletes often struggle with it. Vigorous physical exercises like running, climbing stairs, squatting, and participating in sports like basketball, tennis, or others that repeatedly increase forces on the knee, can all lead to PFPS. Suddenly increasing intensity in workouts like running for longer distances or playing twice a week instead of one can also result in pain.

The condition is more likely when a person’s anatomy or way of moving puts additional stress on the patella. Muscles, tendons, and the knee joint itself are all involved in what is called “patellar tracking” — how the patella moves inside the trochlea groove. If there are imbalances in the muscles, the knee joint becomes unstable, and the distribution of forces changes.

Abnormalities in patellar tracking are often at the root of PFPS syndrome. If the patella isn’t sliding as it should inside the trochlea groove, forces increase between the back of the patella and the trochlea, irritating the soft tissues and causing inflammation and pain. Why might the tracking be off?

There are some risk factors that can increase the risk of PFPS, as well. These include:

A small subset of patients may have what is called “chondromalacia patella,” which causes a softening and breakdown of the articular cartilage on the underside of the kneecap. As this cartilage is worn away, inflammation may result, causing pain.

What Does Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Feel Like?

Pain is usually the first symptom of PFPS. Most describe it as a dull and aching feeling that occurs in the front of the knee. It tends to come on slowly while you’re doing your activities and then gets worse over time. Other common symptoms include:

Typically, the pain doesn’t go away — it sticks around, and even if it lessens during rest, it’s likely to come back during activity.

Diagnosing Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Rest is the first step in healing your PFPS. Give the knee a few days to heal. Try some ice packs and a knee wrap to help speed healing. Over-the-counter pain relievers can also help relieve swelling and pain.

After a few days of rest, don’t go straight back to the activities you were doing before. That likely cause the pain to return. Instead, find out what caused the pain in the first place. A doctor or physical therapist can help. He or she will likely have you perform a single leg squat and stand, if you can, to check for imbalances as you bend. He or she may also have you sit down and extend your leg out straight while watching your kneecap to see how it moves.

In another test, doctors may grasp the patella and move it from side to side to see how far it goes. This can help them tell if you may be too tight in some tendons and muscles or if the patella moves too much.

Once the doctor makes a diagnosis, you should have the information you need to determine what sorts of exercises and stretches will work best for you.

Exercises to Help Relieve Pain in Runner’s Knee

Moreover, a number of studies have shown that physical therapy is effective in treating PFPS. In one, researchers found that restoring good quadriceps strength and function was important to good recovery. Also. in another, they found that physiotherapy treatment provided a consistent improvement in short-term pain and function.

In 2002, researchers reported that patients who went through physical therapy for PFPS demonstrated a significantly greater reduction in scores for average pain and disability than did a placebo group who didn’t go through the therapy. Their program consisted of six treatment sessions, once weekly, and included quadriceps muscle retraining, patellar taping, and daily home exercises.

Furthermore, it’s best to talk to your physical therapist to determine which exercises are best for you, as each person has different reasons for developing PFPS. However, there are some standard exercises that may also help:

If your muscles are tight, it’s also helpful to stretch them out. Moreover, ty these exercises:

How Do I Prevent Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

You can also take steps to help you avoid this injury. Try these tips:

If you are looking for a fast, simple, safe, and effective program to eliminate your stubborn knee pain and patellofemoral pain syndrome, then check out the Patellofemoral Syndrome Solution program, here!


AAOS. (n.d.). Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome – OrthoInfo – AAOS. Retrieved from–conditions/patellofemoral-pain-syndrome/

Crossley, K., Bennell, K., Green, S., & McConnell, J. (2001). A Systematic Review of Physical Interventions for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 11(2), 103-110. doi:10.1097/00042752-200104000-00007

Crossley, K., Bennell, K., Green, S., Cowan, S., & McConnell, J. (2002). Physical Therapy for Patellofemoral Pain. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 30(6), 857-865. doi:10.1177/03635465020300061701

Dixit, S. (2007). Management of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. Am Fam Physician, 75(2), 194-202. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic. (2017, August 15). Patellofemoral pain syndrome – Symptoms and causes. Retrieved from

Natri, A., Kannus, P., & Järvinen, M. (1998). Which factors predict the long-term outcome in chronic patellofemoral pain syndrome? A 7-yr prospective follow-up study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 30(11), 1572-1577. doi:10.1097/00005768-199811000-00003

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