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What to Do About Knee Pain from Running (Interview with Jill Bruyere)

What to Do About Knee Pain from Running (Interview with Jill Bruyere)

Running can be a great way to get fit and lose weight, but it can also be a source of pain for some people. People with knee issues, such as medial or lateral ligament tears tend to have the most trouble with running. Running can be so painful for some people that it can even bring on an acute episode of pain. That’s why it’s so important to learn what you can about your Running and how to manage your knee pain. You need to know what’s causing it, how to fix it, and what you can do to prevent it in the future.

For years, people have been reporting pain in their knees due to running. These reports have become so common that it’s nearly impossible to find an article that doesn’t mention it. Most people don’t know what to do about knee pain from running. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to knee pain, and no matter how you slice it, it’s usually necessary to act. If you’ve been running for a while, you’re probably starting to feel some pain in your knees from pounding the pavement for long distances. While there are dozens of potential causes of knee pain from running, most of them are avoidable. Knee pain from Running is almost certainly going to worsen before it gets better.

What is causing your knee pain from running?

There are many factors that can cause knee pain when running. One of the most common knee injuries is an iliotibial band friction syndrome. This is an inflammation of the band that runs along the outside of the knee and the adjoining ligaments. Other common causes of knee pain include swollen, torn, or inflamed cartilage, tendinitis, patellofemoral syndrome, stress fractures, and runner’s knee. Runner’s knee is a condition where the patella (the kneecap) does not track correctly in the groove in the knee joint, which can cause pain. The good news is that most knee pain from running can be avoided by doing a few simple things.

Whether you love it or hate it, Running is essential for most modern fitness regimes. Running offers several benefits for casual exercisers and elite athletes alike, from tracking progress to working on your pace. However, because it’s such a demanding exercise, Running comes with a fair share of potential pitfalls. This article will help you figure out what you’re doing wrong and how to fix it.

This past weekend I was in Orange County at a fitness conference.

I got up early before the conference and went for a run.

I love taking my running shoes with me as I travel and run.

Running is such a great way of exploring a new place.

After my run, my knees were a little sore. No old jokes, please.

During lunch, I was chatting with a fellow fitness professional, Jill Bruyere, about running, and she gave me a few good tips for my knee pain.

What to Do About Knee Pain After Running?

Jill goes through

If you have not watched the quick video, head back up and give it a watch.

I do thank Jill for her time and for sharing her tips. Jill writes an excellent running blog called; make sure to check it out.

If you plan on doing a marathon, Jill has a program for you, Break Your PR. What runner does not want to do that?

Rick Kaselj, MS


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