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4 Quick and Simple Moves to Ease Neck Pain

4 Quick and Simple Moves to Ease Neck Pain

Today, I will share a few simple moves to help alleviate neck pain. These are the four quick and simple moves to ease neck pain.

Hey, I wanted to share with you a photo I took from Vancouver last week:

I lived in the suburbs outside of Vancouver for most of my life. Usually, we would head into the big city a few times a year. It was cool to visit Vancouver and walk along Granville Street to see how much it has changed since the last time I was there. If visiting Vancouver is on your bucket list, this is one place you need to visit and enjoy.

Enjoy the exercises to ease neck pain.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I got Andrea to demonstrate the exercises and simple moves to ease neck pain.

1. Rest on Your Back

Rest on your back and lie down with your legs on a couch or a chair, putting the least stress on your spine. Doing that properly will ease neck pain. Try belly breathing, so breathe and have the air through your belly and then breathe out. When you breathe, focus on exhaling out any tension or pain in your neck or body.

Rest on Your Back

Neck pain is a vicious cycle, so if you have neck soreness, there is more tension in your mid-back and neck, leading to more pain. You have to start things off in a position where you can start relaxing the body and muscles in the neck so it can help overcome your neck pain.

Do this for 30 seconds or up to 2 minutes to relax your body, then decrease the tension in the neck and start overcoming neck pain.

2. Fingers Into the Neck to Ease Neck Pain

You lie on your back, same as in the resting position, fingers are into the neck.

Fingers Into the Neck

The tension in the upper neck muscle and upper trapezius often leads to more neck pain. So you are taking your fingers, pressing them into that muscle, almost giving yourself a little bit to relax.

Perform one set of 5 massage movements in that upper trapezius so that it could be in a circle ― clockwise or counterclockwise, or rubbing up and down ― which could take under a minute to do. Do it on one side, then to the other side to ease neck pain. The intensity should feel like you are having a massage.

3. Neck Rotations on Your Back

In the same resting position, rotate your head to one side and your head to the other. Go to a point where you feel a light resistance or light stretch, and then relax.

Neck Rotations on Your Back

In this exercise, we are looking at stretching the neck muscles dynamically.

Perform one set of 3 reps on each side in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop of 1- to 2-seconds at the end position. You should feel a light stretch.

4. Ease Neck Pain with Chin Tuck on Your Back

Tuck your chin in the same resting position, bringing your head back a little bit.

Chin Tuck on Your Back

With this exercise, you will get a light stretch in the back of your head. Do not overdo it because you can get a tension headache if you overstretch.

Perform one set of 5 reps in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the end position, looking for a light stretch to successfully ease neck pain.

Give those exercises a go for an easy neck pain treatment at home.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you want to learn how to manage neck discomfort and prevent future flare-ups, click here to check out the Neck Pain Solved program!

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