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7 Most Effective Ways to Relieve Hip Pain

7 Most Effective Ways to Relieve Hip Pain

Hey, I have a great article and video for you. However, before I get to that, I want to let you know that I am off to shoot more YouTube videos. So, watch for them and subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay up-to-date with my latest videos. Today, I will share the seven most effective ways to eliminate your hip pain.


CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I got Donnalee to demonstrate.

1. Iliotibial (IT) Band Foam Rolling

You are foam rolling out the IT band. We are working on addressing the tension around the hip. One of the causes of hip pain is having excessive tension around the hip, so we are working on the tension, not on one part, but all of the parts around the hip. Start above the knee and roll to below the hip.

IT Band Foam Rolling

Perform one set of 5 repetitions up and down, so 10 smooth, controlled movements with a good stop at the start and end positions. You should feel like you are having a good deep massage but should not be in intense pain.

2. Quads Foam Rolling

Move half of your body over the edge of the foam roller. Bring the foam roller above your knee, roll from above to below the hip, and then back and forth.

Quads Foam Rolling

Perform one set of 5 repetitions up and down, so 10 smooth, controlled movements with a good stop at the start and end positions. You should feel like you are having a good deep massage and should not be in screaming pain.

3. Gluteus Medius Foam Rolling

Sit on the foam roller with one of your butt cheeks. Move the foam roller to a 45-degree angle to your body. You will start rolling the hip joint, moving from the top of your pelvis and back to the hip joint.

Gluteus Medius Foam Rolling

Perform one set of 5 repetitions up and down, so 10 smooth, controlled movements with a good stop at the start and end positions. You should feel like you are having a good deep massage but should not be in screaming pain.

4. Inner Thigh Foam Rolling

Place the lower part of the leg on the foam roller. Roll from the inside of the knee toward the hip.

Inner Thigh Foam Rolling

Perform one set of 5 repetitions up and down, so 10 smooth, controlled movements with a good stop at the start and end positions. You should feel like you are having a good deep massage but should not be in intense pain.

Ideally, we will go through these foam rolling exercises on both sides. We don’t want to do all of the pain-relieving exercises on one hip. It is best to alternate back and forth. This will enable the hip you are working on to have a break and work on the pain-free side for injury prevention. All of these exercises will help you obtain healthy hips.

5. Hip Rocking

Stand in a wide stance. Focus on isolating the movement happening in the hip. Rock the hip on one side and then the other side. We are working on mobility in the hip and loosening up things around the hip. We are targeting the hip joint to work on stretching things deep in the hip muscles and ligaments.

Hip Rocking

Perform one set of 5 repetitions, a total of 10 movements. We are looking at a smooth, controlled movement, holding each end position for 2 seconds.

6. 90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch

Take a big step forward and then kneel on your left knee. Put your right foot in front of you so that your right hip and knee are about 90 degrees. Tighten the abdominal area and the glutes, then bring the hips forward and raise the arm overhead. We are targeting the front of the thigh and deep in the hip to target the hip flexors ―iliacus and psoas muscles ― common causes of hip pain.

90-90 Hip Flexor Stretch

Perform one set of two repetitions on each side, alternating back and forth. Hold the end position for 20 seconds, looking for a light stretch.

7. Three-way Plank

Move into a plank position, resting on your forearms. Tighten up the abdominal area, glutes, and hamstrings. Move to one side as you reach one arm up to the ceiling. Stack one foot on top of another in a side plank on your elbow, then hold it for a couple of seconds. Go to the starting plank position and then repeat on the other side. We are working on the core, abdominal area, glutes, and hamstrings. Most hip pain sufferers have weakness in the core, which puts more stress on the hip. We want to take away this stress to relieve hip pain.

Three-way Plank

Perform one set of 5 repetitions, progressing up to 10 repetitions, holding the side plank position for 2 seconds in a smooth, controlled movement.

Give this 5-minute hip pain workout a go.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you want to improve the activation, endurance, and strength of your gluteus maximus, click here to check out the Best Gluteus Maximus Exercises program.

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