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Win a FREE Copy of the Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program

Win a FREE Copy of the Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program copy

Your rotator cuff is a collection of tendons and muscles that support and stabilize the movement of your shoulder. These muscles are prone to damage due to their small size and fragility if misused or overworked during an incorrect activity or exercise. You might harm your rotator cuff by lifting improperly, performing activities that put too much strain on it, or overusing it.

The key to avoiding pain and maintaining strength is learning to prevent a rotator cuff injury and which activities put you at risk. A well-planned strength training program can also lower your chance of rotator cuff issues by correcting your muscle strength. You should use light weights and do a few repetitions to avoid overstretching those little muscles.

The Effective Rotator Cuff Program will be available at 9 am EST on Wednesday. 

Your only opportunity to win a copy of the “Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program” is today. You can enter right away, and it won’t take long. Just send me a brief message regarding this.

“Why would the Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program be the perfect resource to help you with your clients with Rotator Cuff Injuries finally?”.

Let’s be honest. Finding a good resource for handling rotator cuff injuries and exercises is challenging. For one thing, there are so many of them. There are more than 100 rotator cuff exercises available online and in books. This makes things difficult for trainers like you, who require the ideal resource to meet your requirements.

We get it. Training with clients is a tough job, especially when you have specific individuals who need special attention. So we understand if you don’t have time to go through all those rotator cuff exercise programs online. The Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise program would be the perfect resource for you as a trainer working with clients who have rotator cuff injuries.

Feel free to share about your past and current struggles working with rotator cuff injuries and in what specific ways an effective rotator cuff exercise program will help you get better results with your clients with rotator cuff injuries.

How to Win a FREE Copy?

I’ll go through every single one of your responses before Tuesday at 5 pm EST and choose ONE winner. If you win, you’ll be notified by email, and I will mail you the complete Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program.

Good luck, and thanks for your participation! I look forward to hearing from you,

Rick Kaselj,

Author, Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program

PS – Don’t miss the fantastic SALE that starts on Wednesday.

You’ll also get FAST ACTION bonuses and, of course, the Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program. I want to hear about your challenges working with clients with rotator cuff injuries.

NOTE: The contest ends on Tuesday, November 24th at 5 pm EST.

PSS – Again, here are the steps.

  1. Answer the question from above.
  2. Write a little post in the comments section about how an effective rotator cuff exercise program can help your clients.
  3. I’ll pick and announce one winner on Tuesday.
  4. The winner will each get.

A copy of the Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program

Good luck to everyone!

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