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Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Lower Body Edition

As a fitness professional we often just focus on strength, flexibility and  cardiovascular techniques with our clients in order to help them reach their goals.  By just focusing on these three exercise techniques you hamper your client’s ability to overcome injuries, bust through fitness plateaus and stay injury-free. To get past this what you need in your toolbox is a full understanding of muscle imbalances.

Muscle Imbalances Revealed goes beyond stretching what is tight, strengthening what is weak or just performing corrective exercises. It assists the fitness  professional in understanding the synergies that exist within the body and walks  you through the intricacies of muscle imbalances. In Muscle Imbalances Revealed, the fitness professional will be guided by 6 experts from various professions on how to identify, address and perform the most effective exercises to address muscle imbalances and increase the speed of injury recovery, bust through fitness plateaus and prevent injuries. Click Here to Learn More


Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body Edition

As fitness & health professionals or exercise enthusiasts, we often just focus on strength, flexibility and cardiovascular techniques with our clients to help them reach their fitness goals. By just focusing on these three exercise techniques you hamper your client’s performance results, ability to bust through fitness plateaus, overcome injuries and remain injury-free. To get past this what you need in your toolbox is a full understanding of muscle imbalances.

Muscle Imbalances Revealed goes beyond stretching what is tight, strengthening what is weak or just performing corrective exercises. It assists fitness and health professionals or exercise enthusiasts in understanding the synergies that exist within the body and walks them through the intricacies of muscle imbalances.

In Upper Body Edition of Muscle Imbalances Revealed you will be guided by four experts from various health professions on how to identify and address muscle imbalances and perform the most effective exercises to improve performance, bust through fitness plateaus, increase the speed of injury recovery and prevent future injuries. Click Here to Learn More


Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program

Shoulder injuries lead to pain, prevent people from doing the things they love and make life’s simple tasks challenging. Many will learn strength exercises to help them recover from their shoulder injury, but too often these exercises will lead to slower recovery from a shoulder injury. What needs to be done before strengthening the shoulder is activating, building endurance and strengthening the scapular stabilization muscles. Adding this one step will speed up the recovery from a shoulder injury and prevent re-injury of the shoulder. Click Here to Learn More


Effective Rotator Cuff Exercises

Fitness Professional’s Guide to Rotator Cuff Exercises

Rotator cuff injuries are the most common shoulder injuries fitness professionals will face. Exercise is recommended by physicians for people with rotator cuff injuries and therefore it is vital for the fitness professional to be educated and prepared to work with these clients. Exercise can help safely alleviate pain, decrease stiffness, increase range of motion, and improve rotator cuff strength. Gain a comprehensive understanding of rotator cuff injuries, how to design an appropriate exercise program for your clients with a rotator cuff injury and discover the most effective exercises for the rotator cuff. If you are ready to increase your confidence working with clients with rotator cuff injuries, would like to understand how to safely train clients with rotator cuff injuries and empower yourself with the best exercises to help your clients with rotator cuff injuries, then Effective Exercises Rotator Cuff Exercises is a must for you. Click Here to Learn More


The Most Effective Exercises For Scoliosis

Fitness Professional’s Guide to Exercise and Scoliosis

Exercise is recommended by physicians for people with scoliosis. With more people with scoliosis leaning towards exercise to help improve their condition, it is vital for the fitness professional to be educated and prepared to work with these clients. Exercise can help safely alleviate pain, stiffness, de-conditioning, and muscular weakness associated with scoliosis. Gain a comprehensive understanding of scoliosis, how to design an appropriate exercise program for your clients with scoliosis and discover the most effective exercises for scoliosis. If you are ready to increase your confidence working with clients with scoliosis, would like to understand how to safely train clients with scoliosis and empower yourself with the exercises to help your clients with scoliosis, then Effective Exercises for Scoliosis is a must for you.

$77 for digital manual / $97 for physical manual Click Here to Learn More


Most Effective Gluteus Maximus Exercises

A common area that people want to exercise is their gluteus. There are a number of common exercises people do but recent research has determined which gluteus exercises are the most effective. This guide will help you learn about the most common gluteus exercises and which ones are the most effective in working your gluteus maximus, hamstrings and gluteus medius. (We have improved this product and now it is called Best Gluteus Maximus Exercises.)


Jumper’s Knee Solution

Jumper’s Knee or patellar tendinopathy is an athlete killer. Of all athletes, about 22% of them have a patellar tendon injury. Most deal with the achy and sore knees, but in time the pain will get worse. Eventually it will reach a point where the athlete will have to stop their sport, which about 50% of athletes that have jumper’s knee have to do. That is where I come in.  I have come across an effective exercise program that will help you overcome your jumper’s knee. It is not just a few stretches, it research back and tested program that targets jumper’s knee. I call it the Jumper’s Knee Solution. Click Here to Learn More


Ultimate Training Guide for Cancer Survivors

There are currently NO resources available to trainers that teach them what cancer is, what to do with a client that has it, and what to watch out for when training their client, which means this will automatically become the default go-to resource for trainers who ever come into contact with a client recovering from cancer. Additionally, if you’re not a fitness professional or know someone who has cancer who isn’t a fitness professional but wants to know what to do with an exercise program to help them out, this resource comes complete with a “Non-Professional edition,” outlining in basic less-scientific terms what is discussed in the professional edition. One client looked over the Non-Professional edition and said they got more information about cancer and exercise from it than they had received from all their oncologists, GPs and nurses COMBINED!! Click Here to Learn More


Core Stability for the Rehab Client DVDs

Core stability muscles assist in stabilizing the lower back and pelvis; when ignored they weaken, and the risk of lower back and pelvis related injuries increase. This course will cover anatomy of the core and introduce functional core exercises which focus on strengthening core muscles and stabilizing the lower back and pelvis. – $89.00 for 3 DVD set Click Here to Learn More


Core Stability of the Back

The Core Stability of the Back program is for the back pain sufferer who wants to get their back onto the road of being pain-free. Core stability muscles play an important role in all activities of daily living. They enable us to perform the simplest of activities and help us maintain good posture. When ignored, core stability muscles become weak and the risk of lower back pain and instability increases. In the Core Stability of the Back program you will get an easy to follow program that you can do anywhere and will help you on your way to a pain-free back. In the Core Stability of the Back book you will learn about the key muscles of the core, how to locate these muscles in the body, how to activate them and an effective program to create a strong and stable back. (Note: This product has been retired.)


Core Stability of the Back

Home Program -The complete Core Stability of the Back program is for the back pain sufferer who wants to get their back onto the road to being pain-free. Core stability muscles play an important role in all activities of daily living. They enable us to perform the simplest of activities and help us maintain good posture. When ignored, core stability muscles become weak and the risk of lower back pain and instability increases. In this home program you will get the Core Stability of the Back book plus a home DVD, audio workout and audio book. The Core Stability of the Back program provides you with an easy to follow program that you can do. In the Core Stability of the Back book you will learn about the key muscles of the core, how to locate these muscles in the body, how to activate them and an effective program to create a strong and stable back. (Note: This product has been retired.)


Your Stability Ball Exercise Guide

You bought a stability ball, now what? This guide will take you through 23 exercises that target your legs, chest, back and abdominals. The guide includes two stability ball workouts you can follow based on your fitness level and a stretch routine you can do with the stability ball. (Note: This product has been retired.)


How to Save Money on Fitness Equipment

The value of the Canadian dollar has been rising for the last two years, making it stand to reason that the cost of fitness equipment would go down in Canada. Fitness equipment has been shown to be as much as 50% more expensive in Canada compared to the USA. How to Save Money on Fitness Equipment explain why Canadian are paying more, teaches you 22 ways you can save on your next fitness equipment purchase and provides you with a comprehensive list of companies that sell fitness equipment. (Note: This product has been retired.)


Exercise and Plantar Fasciitis

The role of exercise to treat plantar fasciitis is vital in helping shorten recovery time, decrease pain, and decrease the risk of reoccurrence. Creating an action plan on what to do if symptoms return is also important for the plantar fasciitis sufferer. The focus of the plantar fasciitis and exercise webinar will be exercise program design for clients who have plantar fasciitis.

For more details visit –


The Most Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program

After the back, the second most common injury a fitness professional will encounter is the shoulder. Most times shoulder injuries directly and indirectly involve the rotator cuff. When fitness professionals hear that their client has a rotator cuff issue, they end up focusing on strengthening. Strengthening is important for your rotator cuff clients but it is only one part of an effective rotator cuff conditioning program. The fitness professional must address all five areas of a rotator cuff conditioning program in order to fully rehabilitate the rotator cuff. If not, they will only band-aid the injury and not fully help their client overcome it. In this webinar, fitness professional will learn how to avoid common rotator cuff exercise mistakes, the 5 components of a rotator cuff conditioning program and exercises to help their client’s rotator cuff injury.

For more details visit –


Corrective Exercises for Running Injury-Free

Running is one of the most popular recreational activities among adults but most will have to stop due to an injury. Along with a solid running program that prevents over-training, there are a number of key exercises that must be included in a recreational runner’s program in order to be injury-free. In the corrective exercises for running injury-free webinar, the fitness professional will learn a comprehensive list of assessment techniques and exercises to keep their clients running injury-free.

For more details visit –


Exercises for Prevention, Rehabilitation & Overcoming Knee Injuries

The knee is the focus of an exercise program when it is injured but often ignored any other time. More and more research has shown that the goal of the client should determine the knee exercise program compared to the presence or absence of injury. If your client’s exercise goal is prevention of knee injuries, their exercise program should differ from that of a client recovering from a knee injury. If the client has had a knee injury and would like prevent a future knee injury, here is an exercise program that focuses on overcoming knee injuries. It is important that the fitness professional know which exercises and exercise programs are best for their client depending on the goal of the client. In this exercise and knee injury webinar, fitness professionals will learn three different knee exercise programs to help their clients who want to prevent a knee injury from occurring, to rehabilitate a knee injury and overcome knee injuries by preventing them in future.

For more details visit –


Core Stability of the Hip

In this video presentation, fitness professionals will learn a progressive exercise program that they can use with their personal trainer and group fitness clients to improve core stability in the hip, and prevent and recover from back, hip and knee injuries. Click Here to Learn More


Lower Back Spinal Fusion & Exercise

In many situations, a lower back condition can lead to lower back spinal fusion surgery. It is estimated that 126,000 spinal fusion surgeries occur each year in the US and since 1996 the number of surgeries has increased 116%. The group that has had the greatest increase in lower back spinal fusion are adults over 60. Lumbar compression fractures, spinal deformities, spondylolisthesis, lumbar instability, disc herniation and degenerative disc disease are common conditions that can lead to lower back spinal fusion. A key component in the recovery from lower back spinal fusion surgery is exercise. The role of exercise after spinal fusion is important in speeding up recovery, strengthening the muscles supporting the vertebrae and improving the endurance of core stability muscles. The focus of the spinal fusion and exercise webinar will be exercise program design and exercises for a client who has had a lower back spinal fusion. Click Here to Learn More


Core Stability of the Back – Client Handout

This is a book that Fitness & Rehabilitation Professionals can use as an education tool for their clients. The book contains 35 Core Stability of the Back client handouts which is a one page handout that has a brief description of what core stability is and on the back side of the page a core stability home program that clients can follow. No more stick men or clients not remembering. This handout will remind them of what core stability is, how they should perform the exercises and a core stability program they can do at home. (Note: This product has been retired.)


17 Strategies to Getting Medical Referrals Using Social Media

Online meeting places and community sites are often thought of as places to put goofy pictures that your friends can see. But nowadays, the use of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, forums and blogs can be an effective and inexpensive way to increase your profile, helping you build relationships with your clients and making it easier for potential clients to find you and see how you can help them with their injuries.  In this idea packed video presentation, the fitness professionals will get an action list of how they can use social media to get more exercise rehabilitation clients. Click Here to Learn More


How to Use YouTube, Facebook and Your Blog to Get More Personal Training Clients

In the past, business cards and flyers were enough for personal trainers to get clients. Now it is essential that personal trainers get online in order to connect with their clients and attract new clients. The challenge of getting online is how to keep it simple and keep the costs low. In this practical workshop, you will discover how to get online on a shoe string budget and how to use the tools that will get you more personal training clients. Click Here to Learn More


Full Fitness Education Package

You  get all of this:

You can order the full fitness education package and get all of the digital access to the above resouces. – $515.85 Value


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