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Hockey Training Mistake

Hockey Training Mistake

In order to become a better hockey player, you need to train like one. That means experimenting with new drills and methods to challenge yourself in ways you never thought possible. However, training as a hockey player doesn’t mean you have to spend hours upon hours on the ice shooting pucks; there are numerous off-ice training options available today that can help improve your game as well as get you into peak physical condition for upcoming seasons. Training is not only about what drills or exercises we do, but also about how we approach each session. There are several Hockey training mistakes that players commonly make that we need to be aware of because they hinder our ability to grow and improve as hockey players.

First, thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday via email or on Facebook.


My son would say, “I just can’t believe it!” (Young Einstein reference for those with toddlers.)

The good wishes are still coming in.

Even Bret Contreras, aka “ASS Person,” wished me a happy birthday!

Okay, now to the blog post.

As you know, I was on holiday for a bit (Los Angles, Maui, and Las Vegas).

I am glad to be back. I was missing hockey.

No, not field hockey, ice hockey!

It is great to be back in Vancouver and see what the Canucks are doing.

While in Maui, all I could see were Anaheim Duck games; yuk!

Okay, to today’s interview. It is on hockey training.

I did a lot of interviews when I was in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. I did one with Maria Mountain.

Maria specializes in training ice hockey goalies. In the little interview below, she chats about a friendly hockey training mistake teams and players make.


#1 Hockey Training Mistake

If you are an ice hockey goalie, you should check out her program by CLICKING HERE.

It was fantastic, I asked her for one mistake, and she gave me two.

I like how she highlighted the two things goalies do not need to work on, but coaches get them to do.

She also talked about hip mobility; you can get more info here on hip mobility.

Also, I interviewed Julien Emery about Hockey Groin Injuries a little while ago. It may interest you. To listen to it, click here.

I like what Julien said about eccentric training.

Later, off to the pumpkin patch with the kids.

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. – If you are a personal trainer in Richmond, BC, go here and leave a comment in the comment area. I had someone contact me looking for a personal trainer in Richmond that has experience with knee injuries.

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