What Is a Hockey Groin Injury?
Hockey groin injuries occur when the muscles in your groin are forced to strain, tear, or even rupture. Hockey groin injuries are common in goalies and defensemen who must make sudden stops, turns, and rapid direction changes. Gross overload of the groin muscles can also happen when you try to do too much too soon after a hockey injury. The best way to treat hockey groin pain is to rest the groin until it heals. Gross overload happens when you increase your activity level before your groin fully recovers. This can cause another injury or make your existing groin injury worse.
I have another interview with fitness professionals that focus on sports performance.
Today I am interviewing Julien Emery.
He’s going to chat with us about groin strains and hockey.
Julien Emery has an extensive background in hockey. He has played hockey professionally and has become the leading strength and conditioning coach in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Hockey Groin Injuries and Exercise with Julien Emery
In the interview, Julien will share with you:
- What are some of the causes of groin strains when it relates to hockey players?
- What should hockey players do about groin injuries?
- What exercises can a hockey player do related to a groin injury?
- Common points fitness professionals overlook when it relates to groin injuries?
==> CLICK HERE for the hockey groin injuries interview
Before I go, I wanted to type out a vital part of the interview.
I know not all of you will listen to the whole interview, but here is some key information you should have.
This was the part that I thought was a must to listen to.
What Exercises Should a Hockey Player Do to Prevent Groin Injuries?
Rick Kaselj: If a hockey player has a groin strain, what can they do about it when it relates more to the exercise side?
Julien Emery: The most important thing is to address the imbalances on the exercise side.
One of the things that I think is overdone a little bit is people look at core stability and focus on core and pelvic strength, which helps quite a bit.
We find in the hockey world that a fair amount of players are okay with core stability, but we fail to look at the eccentric training of the groin.
I think it’s essential to train the groin bizarrely, take a look at hamstring injury prevention and hamstring injury rehab, and apply that to strengthening the groin.
What I mean by that is you have your knee flexors and the hip driving your knee and hip in flexion and sprinting, and the hamstring has to break your leg or slow down your leg in a full sprint. And in that way, the hamstring gets strained.
I think it’s essential to look at the groin similarly. You have your adductors, external joint rotators, and extensors that are more powerful when pushing off or more potent than the brake, that is, the groin that works on internal rotation, adduction, and flexion. We need to strengthen that movement and eccentric matter to help rehabilitate and maintain that body part and avoid those injuries.
Thank you so much.
I hope you enjoyed the interview.
Feel free to email me and let me know what topic you would like to cover in upcoming interviews or what fitness professionals you would like me to interview.
Rick Kaselj, MS
P.S. – If you like that interview with Julien, you can get many more interviews by CLICKING HERE. One of my favorite ones is with Jimmy Smith on ankle injuries and exercise.