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How to Foam Roll Your Gluteus Maximus

How to Foam Roll Your Gluteus Maximus

In this video, I wanted to explain how to foam roll your gluteus maximus. This article will help you learn how to foam roll your gluteus maximus to improve its flexibility and strength.

Why do you have to foam roll out your gluteus maximus?

Many people build tension in the gluteus maximus area. That unnecessary tension can place unnecessary stress on the sacroiliac joint or lead to unnecessary stress on the hip or the lower back.

Most of the time, people don’t know until someone checks to see if their gluteus maximus is overactive.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I wanted to go through two different gluteus maximus foam rolling exercises that you can do. I had Donnalee demonstrate.

Use a full foam roller. I have a three-foot foam roller here, but you can also use a one-foot foam roller.

1. Foam Rolling the Ischial Tuberosity with Two Legs

Start by sitting on the foam roller on your seat bone, the bony part you feel in your seat, also called the ischial tuberosity. Roll down towards your knees slightly. Roll back over that ischial tuberosity and then roll up over the glute to the pelvis and back.

Foam Rolling the Ischial Tuberosity with Two Legs

With this exercise, you have to be cautious of your shoulders. You want to work around the ischial tuberosity or sit-bones area. If you have a shoulder injury, you might not be able to get into this position, so be very cautious.

2. Foam Rolling the Ischial Tuberosity with One Leg

Start with your seat bone and roll down towards your knee, then return to the top of your pelvis. Move away from both legs and focus on one Leg. Move the foam roller to one side and repeat the exercise.

Foam Rolling the Ischial Tuberosity with One Leg

Roll 5 to 10 times. Please do not overdo it because it irritates or aggravates the muscle. You might feel your tension areas, and that’s fine.

Give one of those two foam rolling exercises for the gluteus maximus. If you are brand new at it, start with the first one, which is level one. If you are a pro, go with the second variation and focus on one Leg. To make it more challenging, press more weight through your muscle.

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you want to improve the activation, endurance, and strength of your gluteus maximus, click here to grab your copy of the Best Gluteus Maximus Exercises program.

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