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How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

The quality of the air inside your home might not be something you think about every day.

Often, when we think of air pollution, images of rush-hour traffic and smokestacks come to mind. While there are certainly plenty of dangerous pollutants outside, researchers at the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have found that the air inside our own homes ― both in rural and urban settings ― may be 10 times more polluted than the air outside.

Improving the quality of your indoor air is more important now than ever. Today, many people spend 90 percent of their days indoors. Our homes are built for maximum energy-efficiency, which often means they are sealed up tightly so that the heating and air conditioning systems can perform better.

We spend so much time inside our homes that we want them to be lovely. Walls are painted, carpets and floors are replaced and new appliances installed. We buy cleaners, disinfectants and air fresheners to take good care of our interiors. Each of these ways that we improve and care for our homes may come with potentially hazardous chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). According to the EPA, VOCs are gasses emitted from certain liquids or solids that include a range of chemicals that can have both short and long-term effects on our health.

Here are some of the most common sources of VOCs, which cause indoor air pollution:

How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

If this laundry list of indoor pollutants is a bit overwhelming, don’t worry. There are some simple steps you can take to improve the quality of your indoor air dramatically. By the way, your wonderful-smelling laundry soap could be an issue. Here’s our advice:

Get Rid of Toxic Household Chemicals

Let’s start with the cabinet under your kitchen sink. How many random bottles of multisurface cleaner are sitting under there? What about toilet bowl cleaners and degreasers? While they may seem like necessary evils, chemical household cleaners can be replaced easily by simple, non-toxic formulas that work. We aren’t suggesting you rush out and spend $16 on a bottle of ultra-natural organic countertop cleaner made with untouched dolphin tears and European rainwater. Instead, you may likely have the ingredients right in your pantry to make potent, natural cleaners without the chemical pollutants.

Try a couple of these easy homemade, nontoxic cleaners.

Multisurface Cleaner



Combine the water, white vinegar and essential oil in a spray bottle. Shake gently to mix and use this to clean countertops, bathrooms, appliances, and other surfaces. This is also an excellent solution for mopping tile floors. Lavender or orange essential oils work well with this cleaner.

Lemon Degreaser



Combine the hot water, baking soda, liquid soap and essential oil in a spray bottle. Shake the solution until the baking soda is dissolved fully. Use this for cleaning greasy appliances and cooking surfaces.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner



Combine the liquid soap, hot water, baking soda, and essential oil. Stir the solution until the baking soda is dissolved fully. Pour the solution into a squeeze bottle and use this cleaner as you would any toilet bowl cleaner. Squirt the cleaner beneath the rim and allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes before scrubbing. Then flush as needed.

Other Household Toxins

If you’re storing half-empty paint cans under the stairs or in your garage because you aren’t sure how to dispose of them, make today the day to get rid of them. Most paint and hardware stores will take your paint and dispose of it properly. Otherwise, contact your local waste management company to get the skinny on how to dispose of it yourself. In general, you can’t toss it in with your other trash.

Chemical pesticides to keep bugs out of your home are handy. However, they are extremely toxic. There are more natural ways to keep your home less attractive to creepy crawlers.

Ant Repellent



Put all ingredients into a spray bottle and shake until all of the ground cayenne is dissolved. Spray in the areas where ants have been congregating.

Clove Essential Oil

Clove essential oil is excellent for repelling house flies and fruit flies. Add several drops to your homemade countertop cleaner or mix clove oil into the water and wipe down surfaces.

Cedarwood Essential Oil

There aren’t many pests that cannot be repelled by cedar. The essential oil derived from cedar is a wonderful, natural pesticide. Use it when you mop your floors. Apply a few drops to a cloth and wipe down doorways and windowsills with it. Using cedarwood essential oil is a very effective way to keep bugs and pests away from your home.

Use Cost-effective Unscented Cleaning and Household Detergents

When you’re buying laundry soap and other cleaning supplies, choose the varieties with the least toxic chemicals and no perfumes. The Environmental Working Group rates household products on their website. Check with groups like this to see if your favorite soap is loaded with chemicals.

Overall, avoid air fresheners and fabric sprays. These types of products contain all sorts of toxins. Instead, use a cup of baking soda with a few drops of essential oil to freshen up a room. Place the cup in the middle of your counter for a few minutes to eliminate odors. You can also sprinkle baking soda onto your carpets and vacuum it up. Both methods will keep your home smelling fresh.

Bring in Some Air-purifying Plants

There are certain houseplants that can filter and purify the air in your home. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) published the Clean Air Study, in cooperation with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America. They found that there are a number of plants that remove toxic chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air.

Using the findings from NASA and other similar research, we’ve compiled a list of some of the plants that are most effective at removing toxins from the home. Many of these are low-commitment, easy-care plants. Several of them will thrive in only a jar of water on your countertop.

Bring Some Fresh Air Inside

Another way to improve your indoor air quality is to throw open the windows and let the air circulate a bit. When it’s cold outside, leave your windows open for a few minutes a day. On days when the weather is nice, leave your windows open as long as possible. One of the reasons our air is so polluted at home is that our homes are sealed up. The toxins hang around and get comfortable. Opening up the windows is an easy way to eliminate harmful pollutants in the air.

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Before you consider buying some expensive gadget that claims to clean and purify your indoor air, try eliminating some of the VOC-emitting compounds in your home. Stop by the local nursery to pick up a few air-cleaning houseplants. Open your windows and breathe in the fresh air. Improve your indoor air quality so that you have a healthier place to call home.

Our environment has an enormous impact on our health, as does what we put into our bodies. For your guide to the best foods to heal your body, check out The Best Foods that Rapidly Slim & Heal in 7 Days, here!


Dracaena marginata – red edged dracaena. (n.d.). Retrieved from:

Knapp, J. 2016. 15 houseplants for improving indoor air quality. Retrieved from:

Learn how to care for the mother-in-law’s tongue (snake plant). (n.d.). Retrieved from:

Volatile organic compounds impact on indoor air quality. (2018). Retrieved from:

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