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How to Use Crossfit to Overcome a Brain Injury

How to Use Crossfit to Overcome a Brain Injury

CrossFit is a form of physical fitness that combines strength training, cardio endurance, and HIIT (high-intensity interval training). It’s a highly demanding workout that focuses on functional movement. CrossFit workouts typically include pushups, squats, pullups, lunges, and kettlebell swings. Each exercise targets different muscle groups, so the program can be tailored to meet the needs of an individual.

One key benefit of CrossFit is that it can help improve balance and coordination. These two areas are often affected by brain injuries, so strengthening those muscles can help to improve your balance and posture. Another advantage is that CrossFit is constantly changing—so you’re never doing the same thing twice. This keeps your body engaged and alert, which helps to improve cognitive function as well. CrossFit can also help people with TBI regain strength and mobility. There are many CrossFit programs out there, but they all have similar goals—to increase strength and flexibility and better function daily.

CrossFit Training

If you have been injured in an accident and are struggling to cope with the physical, emotional, and cognitive effects of your injury, CrossFit can be a powerful tool to help you recover. CrossFit is an intense exercise program that combines high-intensity cardiovascular training with weightlifting and gymnastics to improve overall fitness levels, build strength, and increase stamina. In addition to these physical benefits, regular CrossFit training can also have powerful psychological benefits, including increased confidence and motivation.

Crossfit is an intense workout program that challenges participants to push themselves to the limit in a variety of different ways. The workouts can be so difficult that they leave you sweating and panting, but they also improve your strength, conditioning, and agility. In fact, some people even use Crossfit as a means of overcoming a brain injury. Since brain injuries often affect the way we move and react to stimuli, Crossfit’s unique challenges can help rebuild strength in these areas.

If you or someone you know has recently suffered from a concussion—or if you are concerned about future brain trauma as a result of your dangerous profession—know that Crossfit can be used as an excellent way to overcome a brain injury.

Crossfit to Overcome a Brain Injury with Mike Shilton

Mike has been on the blog before, where he shared his traumatic brain injury story.  After sharing his story, I wanted to get him on the phone and interview him.

I’ve had this interview sitting in my files for some time, but I never posted it. Crossfit has been the catalyst. Health and fitness professionals are often heated about Crossfit. Those who practice and have practiced it love it, and those who haven’t been quick to express their dislike. Mike’s experience is an excellent example of what can be accomplished with Crossfit.

Click Here to Listen to the Interview ==> Mike Shilton Story

In the Interview, Mike Shilton shares with you:

Mike is also my neighbor.  He has progressed from being a participant of Crossfit to starting his Crossfit-based gym a few doors down.

If you want to learn more about Mike, visit Therachair.

It is very cool to see him taking clients through their exercises and seeing how progressed he has.

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. – If you like this Interview, you can check out another one that I did on brain injuries with Jenna Phillips.

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