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Just Blogging Because

Blogging might be one of the easiest ways to share your ideas and thoughts with people you don’t know in real life. It is a great way to establish a personal brand and generate a steady stream of fresh and relevant content that people can subscribe to. 

So many bloggers and web personalities can leverage their unique voices and niche topics to build a loyal fan base and consistently produce high-quality content. However, becoming a successful blogger can be challenging and require time and effort. The key is not to let the naysayers get to you and to have patience and persistence. 

Whether a seasoned blogger or a newbie, you’ve probably thought about starting your blog. But with so many famous, established blogs, it can be a chore to stand out. How do you increase your visibility and grow your following? The secret to success? Blogging. You can start right now, even if you’re unsure where to start. 

Research for Blogging

Just finishing up the blog post from yesterday, where I was looking for a personal trainer in Vancouver.

I spend a lot of time in the basement on my computer. Sometimes I need to get out of the cellar and go somewhere else to write, research or blog. One of my favorite places is Trinity Western University in Langley, BC, Canada.

It is about 15 minutes away from where I live, and it is kind of like a 1970s summer camp in style, design, and layout.

When I got there today, this happened:

I have lived in this area for years and have never known the bell tower plays a song. Very cool. Reminded me of the churches in Italy and Croatia.

I am in the cafeteria writing the rest of this.

The last two things that I have not got to in the previous post:

Staff In-service

Over the years, I have been asked to do staff in-services and personal course teaching.

I have done staff in-services for Precision Personal Training and Muscle Memory Personal Training.

When I just got invited to do an in-service. I love presenting and sharing all I know to help fitness professionals.

I looked at my schedule and the next time I have available to present is November 13 or December 18.
WoW! It is going to be a busy fall.

You can see my upcoming fitness education and another blog by CLICKING HERE.

More Kind Words from Customers

Whenever I send out an email, I seem to get an email like this back: I thought that your blackberry workout was very funny.  Kudos to you for having the guts to do it, and I can tell you are enjoying your work. – S.

Thank you for the kind words, and please do keep them coming. It shows me that all my hard work is helping people and fuels me to help more.

That is it.

Off to work on:

Take care.

Rick Kaselj, MS


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