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Kind Words on Friday

Kind words are like a warm hug on Friday. We can all use more kindness in the world, and research shows that speaking kind words is one of the most effective ways to be kinder. What better time to put our words into action than on Friday. If you’re having a challenging week, reading this positive feedback about kindness will leave you feeling optimistic and uplifted by the end of it. Here are some thoughtful quotes and inspiring testimonials from clients.

MIR Approved for Fitness Australia CECs

I just got the word from down under that Muscle Imbalances Revealed has been approved for CECs.

Fitness Australia has reviewed Muscle Imbalances Revealed and approved it for 6.0 CECs.  Now the 23,000 fitness professionals part of Fitness Australia can earn continuing education credit when learning and watching Muscle Imbalances Revealed.

Very cool!

I just got the details and will be finalizing everything with them.  Working with Fitness Australia is new, so I need to figure out how they work and what they would like their members to receive.

Effective Rotator Cuff Exercises

Friday is heartwarming to hear and read words that give value to what you do.

We know that we are tired from our jobs and various tasks. When Friday comes, we feel relieved, free from work for the weekend, and eventually, we can rest. But when this day comes, we feel uncomfortable due to body pains.

Cuff pain is one of them. We can move comfy when we do not feel any pain. With this, I am grateful that my rotator cuff exercises have helped many and reaped mentions.

To finish off, here are some kind words I received about Effective Rotator Cuff Exercises:

“The Exercises Rehabilitation for the Rotator Cuff course was excellent! Rick really brought together a course that was thorough, effective, and was easy to apply to my clients as a personal trainer as well as myself, who up until recently had shoulder issues. Thanks Rick! “

Leah S
BCRPA/ ACSM Personal Trainer
Vancouver, BC

“Even if the money spent only helped one of my clients, Effective Rotator Cuff Exercises would have been a worthy investment. The great part about the course is that not only does it allow me to help those with rotator cuff issues, but it also allows me to design better programs for all my clientele.”

Brent Campbell

“Dear Rick, I would be happy to help you out with the Rotator Cuff program. I have reviewed the program and have found it very beneficial for use in the clinic. As a physiotherapist, it is always challenging to provide patients with all the information and handouts they require. Rick’s systematic approach and reliant/clear patient handout have helped me keep on top of patient education. In the long run, this equals more compliance and better results. I also think the way the program is divided into goal focused sections helps keep patients focused on their exercises and their rehab goals. Overall I think it is a great program and it has really helped me address rotator cuff injuries within a clinical setting. Thanks Rick.”

Katie Ireland
Registered physiotherapist
Ottawa, Ontario

Positive Vibes

Ending things on a positive note.

Thanks to everyone that says such kind things on my Facebook page:

Thanks for reading.

Have a great weekend.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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