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Most Effective Knee Strengthening Exercises at Home

Most Effective Knee Strengthening Exercises at Home

I wanted to show you the most effective knee strengthening exercises that you can do at home.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I had Jenna to demonstrate thse most effective knee strengthening exercises.

1. Side Lunge

Begin in a nice and upright standing position. Step one leg to the side. Stack the hip over the knee and the foot. Bend the knee and straighten out the other leg. Go back to the start position and repeat the movement to the opposite leg.

Side Lunge

Start with one set of 5 reps on each side. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the end. When you get out of the bottom position, you work on the glutes. The intensity can be light to moderate, and it increases on how deep you go into the side lunge position.

The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen out the hips to help overcome and prevent knee pain and to strengthen out the knees in the side-to-side direction. When you do this exercise, you tend to shift back, and that movement focus on the muscles around the knees than stressing the knee joints.

2. Front Lunge

Begin in an upright standing position. Take a big step forward with one leg. The back leg and front leg are 90 degrees with ankle, knee, and hips. Go to the start position and repeat the movement to the opposite side.

Front Lunge

Start with one set of 5 reps on each side. The first half of this exercise is quick, and then you get deep into the position. Bring the knee to the floor, do a quick hold, and then straighten out and pop out from the 90/90 position. The intensity can be light to moderate, depending on how deep you go into the lunge movement.

The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen out the knee in a forward direction movement and to work on the glutes. Strong glutes and hips will help to overcome and prevent knee pain and strengthen the knees.

3. Step-ups

For this exercise, you can use a wobble board, a solid step, or a plyo box. Stand in front of a step. Take a step forward with one leg, and then step up the other leg. Bring the leg back down and follow with the other leg. Switch sides and repeat the movement.


Start with one set of 5 reps on each side. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the end position. The intensity can be light to moderate. The lower the step, the lighter the intensity will be.

If you will do a bigger step with the plyo box, the intensity will be moderate and more challenging. Your knee and hip will be put through to a greater range of motion so that you work more on the muscles around the knee, and you must work hard to do the exercise.

4. Wall Sits

Begin in an upright standing position. Lean on your upper back against the wall. Slide your back down and move to about a 90-degree position with the ankle, knee, and hips. Legs are both hip-width apart and hips, mid-back, and head are against the wall. Hold to that position for a period of time.

Wall Sits

Start with one set of 5 reps. Perform this exercise for a hold of about five to 10 seconds. The intensity can be light to moderate, depending on the strength you have in the hips and knees. The purpose of this exercise is to work on the isometric strength of the knees and hips.

5. Leg Raises From Ground

Begin by sitting on the floor. Straighten the legs out. Prop your body out with your hands on the side. Lift one leg, hold it for a couple of seconds, and then bring it back down. Repeat the movement with the opposite leg.

When you do this exercise, you are contracting the quads.

Leg Raises From Ground

Start with one set of 3 reps on each side, then progress to 5 repetitions. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the top position for about a second. The intensity can be light to moderate, depending on the strength you have in the knees and hips. The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen out the knees.

Give these five exercises a go. They are effective in strengthening the knees.

If you are looking for a fast, simple, safe, and effective program to eliminate your stubborn knee pain and patellofemoral syndrome, thenĀ check out theĀ Patellofemoral Syndrome Solution program, here!

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

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