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Nutrition Interrogation with Brian St. Pierre

Nutrition interrogation is an essential part of our lives as humans. We can’t survive without it – that much is clear. However, what isn’t quite so cut and dry is how much we should eat or what we should eat to stay healthy. We all have different body shapes, sizes, and genetics; therefore, the quantity and type of food that benefits one person might not work for someone else. There are many nutrition guides out there claiming to give you the perfect balance of food to keep your body healthy and happy.

I have not done an excellent job talking about EFI in nutrition interrogation.

That all ends today.

What does nutrition mean?

Nutrition studies the nutrients and other substances the body needs for growth and good health. The body needs six primary nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. These nutrients are essential for sustaining life and are either obtained directly from the food we eat or produced by the body due to the breakdown of food. All these nutrients work together in a delicate balance to keep the body functioning at its best.

One of the most important things to understand about nutrition is that the human body is an incredibly complex machine that needs various substances to run smoothly. If any of these are missing or imbalanced in your system, you can experience many adverse health effects. We look at common nutrition interrogation questions that most people find difficult to answer.

Today, I start the day with a fantastic interview with Brian St. Pierre. Brain brings the research and practical experience of many popular nutritional topics in our content-packed interview.

CLICK HERE to listen to the interview.

In the Nutritional Interrogation with Brian St. Pierre, we share with you:

Brian St. Pierre is a nutritionist, coach, blogger, dad, and the creator of the Nutrition Guide for Show and Go.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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