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How to Enjoy a Speedy Recovery from Knee Replacement Surgery

How to Enjoy a Speedy Recovery from Knee Replacement Surgery

Between the year 2000 and 2010, the rate of total knee replacements performed in the United States nearly doubled for men and women. Among men, the rate increased by 86 percent and among women by 99 percent. In 2010 alone, there were nearly 700,000 replacements completed in adults 45 years and older.

The good news is that the majority of these operations are successful and improve the lives of patients. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons says that 90 percent of people who have a knee replacement experience a dramatic reduction of knee pain and a significant improvement in the ability to go about the activities in their daily lives.

Even better news is that the majority of these implants last for 20 or more years after they’re put into place, allowing seniors to maintain high levels of activity far into their golden years. Researchers discovered in one study that 80-year-olds without knee replacements rated 6 out of 10 on an activity level scale while those who’d had knee replacements 20 years earlier had an average score of 8.3 — indicating that they were still very active and engaged in things like golf, swimming and riding a bike.

These study results were obtained from data of knee replacements completed between 1975 and 1989. Today’s replacements are much more advanced and more closely matched to a person’s natural anatomy, which means they may last even longer.

So, if your doctor has recommended a knee replacement for you, odds are that it will significantly improve your life. It is important, however, to be as prepared as you can and to take certain precautions to help yourself recover as quickly as possible.

What Is a Knee Replacement?

Medically termed “knee arthroplasty,” knee replacement surgery is recommended when the patient’s natural knee has become so damaged that it causes pain and immobility to the point of interfering with daily life. The most common reason for the surgery is to relieve severe pain caused by osteoarthritis.

In time, arthritis wears away the cartilage cushioning between the thighbone and the shinbone until the bones are actually rubbing against one another, causing pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis can inflame and thicken the membrane around the joint, damaging the cartilage and leading to the same outcome. A serious knee injury, such as a fracture of the bones around the knee or a tear in the ligaments. It can lead to cartilage damage and a loss of knee joint cushioning.

During knee replacement surgery, the doctor removes the damaged cartilage and smooths away the ragged surfaces at the ends of the thighbone and shinbone. Once everything is ready, he inserts the artificial knee, which is usually made of metal and plastic materials. The “tibial component” has a spike that goes into the shinbone and a plate that supports the “plastic spacer,” and the “femoral component” is cemented or “press-fit” into the thighbone. Finally, the surgeon inserts the plastic spacer in between the two to provide for a smooth gliding surface like the cartilage did before. The surgeon may also work on the kneecap, if necessary.

Once the surgery is completed, you will go through a recovery period, after which you should be able to resume your normal activities. Although most surgeons advise against high-impact activities like jumping or running to prolong the life of the implant.

Preparing Before Surgery Can Help Things Go More Smoothly

To experience your most successful outcome from the surgery, it’s important to prepare beforehand. Several weeks before the surgery is scheduled to occur, consider these suggestions:

Preparing in these ways before you go in for surgery will help make your recovery much easier. You may also want to prepare family members and work colleagues to be without you for a few weeks. If you don’t have family members nearby who are available. Find help to complete tasks like pet care, mowing the lawn, making meals or cleaning house.

Tips to Help You Recover More Quickly After Knee Replacement Surgery

Most patients who go through knee replacement surgery experience dramatic improvement within weeks. Pain is reduced and mobility returns. You can improve your odds of having a successful and speedy recovery by taking the following steps:

Gradually, as you heal, you’ll be able to regain your stability to the point you can go without your walker, cane or crutches. However, because you don’t want to fall, be sure to wait until you’re strong again. A typical time frame for full mobility is about three weeks after surgery. But it’s important to stay with your exercises so you can recover fully. Within six to eight weeks, you should be able to drive again.

Continue to check back in with your doctor as needed and be ready to enjoy a new more comfortable, more active life!

If you are looking for an exercise program to help you or your client recover from a knee replacement, check out the Knee Replacement Handbook, here!


AAOS. (2015, August). Total Knee Replacement – OrthoInfo – AAOS. Retrieved from

Brooks, M. (2015, September 2). Knee Replacement Rate Nearly Doubles in US From 2000 to 2010. Retrieved from

CDC. (2015, September 2). Products – Data Briefs – Number 211 – August 2015. Retrieved from

Davis, J. (n.d.). Life of Knee Implants. Retrieved from

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