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6 Great Stretches for Tight Hip Flexors

6 Great Stretches For Tight Hip Flexors

I wanted to go through quick, easy and effective hip pain stretches.

CLICK HERE to watch stretches for tight hip flexors on YouTube video.

I had Jenna to demonstrate the exercises.

1. Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

In standing position, take a step back with your left leg then knee straight. The front foot is flat, and the leg is slightly bent. Contract the abdominal areas. Contract the glutes and bring the hips forward, targeting the hip flexors.  Then, switch sides and repeat.

Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

We are targeting the hip flexor, which tends to be the common reason why people have hip pain.

Perform one set of 2 reps, with stretches alternating back and forth with a 20-second hold and light intensity. If only one side of your body has hip pain, we recommend to still alternate between doing both sides for improved joint health and preventative measures.

2. 90/90 Hip Flexor Stretch

Take a step forward and kneel down with the front leg is at 90 degrees with your foot flat on the floor and your ankle, knee and hips at a 90-degree angle. The back leg is at 90 degrees when looking at the hip, knee and ankle. Ideally, you wanted the front foot flat. If you can, it is better to have no shoes so you will get the front foot flat even more. Place a towel underneath the knee to soften things when kneeling on the ground.

Tighten the abdominal area and glutes and bring the hips forward.

90/90 Hip Flexor Stretch

We are targeting the quadriceps muscles, specifically the rectus femoris, which is a muscle that crosses the knee and hip that is often tight and painful with people with hip pain.

Perform one set of 2 reps, alternating back and forth from one side to the other, with a 20-second hold and intensity of light stretch.

3. 90/90 Hip Flexor Stretch With One Arm Overhead

From 90/90 position, bring one arm overhead. If you are stretching the left side, bring the left arm overhead. This will intensify the stretch throughout the whole body. Switch to the other side.

90/90 Hip Flexor Stretch With One Arm Overhead

Bringing the one arm overhead, you will feel a stronger stretch in the hip flexor, quadriceps and pelvic area as well as into the abdominal area.

Perform one set of 2 reps with a 20-second hold with an intensity of light stretch.

4. 90/90 Hip Flexor Stretch With Side Bend

Start with 90/90 position. Tighten the abdominal area and glutes and bring the hips forward. Bring one arm overhead, and then add a bit of side bend. Switch to the other side.

90/90 Hip Flexor Stretch With Side Bend

Bringing one arm overhead with side bend targets a different part of the hip feeling a stretch deep down in the spine.

Perform one set of 2 reps, alternating back and forth with a 20-second hold and light intensity.

5. 90/90 Hip Flexor Stretch ― Twist In

Start with 90/90 position. Bring the arms straight out, and then rotate the upper body to the side and go in or move away around 45 degrees from the leg you are stretching.

90/90 Hip Flexor Stretch ― Twist In

This stretch targets the hips because the hips move in all three planes of motion. Often, people stretch in a forward direction, and they ignore the transverse or twisting plane of movement.

Perform one set of 2 to 4 reps because we are going in one direction with a hold of 5 to 10 seconds with a light intensity.

6.90/90 Hip Flexor Stretch ― Twist Out

Start with 90/90 position. Bring the arms straight out, and then rotate the upper body to the side and go out or move toward the leg you are stretching.  You can move toward a 45-degree angle. If you can move to 90 degrees, that would be ideal, but you do not need to force it.

90/90 Hip Flexor Stretch ― Twist Out

In this position, we are looking at the feeling of a light stretch and a different kind of stretch in the hip area to help with hip pain.

Perform one set of 2 to 4 reps with a hold of 3 to 5 seconds and light intensity.

So, there you go, that ends up being the list of quick, easy and effective hip pain stretches for tight hip flexors.

If you want to release your hip flexors instantly for more strength, better health and all-day energy, then check out the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program, here!

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

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