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3 Things You MUST DO if You Give Your Rotator Cuff Clients Tubing Exercises

3 Things You MUST DO if You Give Your Rotator Cuff Clients Tubing Exercises copy

A rotator cuff injury may occur when throwing sports like baseball or tennis cause of repetitive motions when lifting heavy objects or when sleeping on your side with your arm under you. Mainly if you maintain the same position for a long time without changing, among other things.

Have you ever given your rotator cuff clients tubing exercises? If so, you should know that having them do these three exercises is crucial. They will help them recover from injury and prevent future injuries! Here are the three must-do exercises for rotator cuff patients.

A rotator cuff is a group of four muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the shoulder joint. A shoulder muscle strain or tear can cause limited shoulder mobility and severe pain. 

#1. Distance Specific

It is essential to specify the position of the tubing to the client. If the client decides to move farther away from the tubing, the workout will be altered.

#2. Fix the Range of Motion

Second, you want to be specific regarding the range of motion that you want your client to perform.

Do you want them to perform 45 degrees of extension or the full range of motion when it comes to the shoulder?

It would help if you were specific on the range of motion you want them to cover when doing the exercise.

#3. Length Matters

And then thirdly, you want to be specific on the length of the tubing that you want them to use. If they end up grabbing the tubing and wrapping it around their hands, they end up changing the length of the tubing, and that ends up changing the exercise again.

3 SPECIFIC TO DO’s If you Give Tubing Exercises to a Client with a Shoulder Injury:

CLICK HERE for 3 Shoulder Injury Tubing Exercise Tips

Suppose your muscles need a different resistance to exercise with at times. In that case, you can change how much of the body weight should be placed on that specific muscle group by changing how long that particular loop or set of coils is made for when using tubing as an example. The person making them determines whether they want more tension and pressure on their arm and chest muscles (shortening tube) or less tension put into those same areas (lengthening line). This ensures that people who go through this routine with these types of equipment have what they need to complete certain partaking routines adequately and safely!

I know, sometimes we show our clients the tubing exercises and leave them alone. So please ensure you’re clear on how far away they are from the tubing anchor. Please make sure you’re clear on the range of motion you want them to do when it comes to tubing, and make sure you’re clear on the length of tubing you want to use. If your client has a rotator cuff or shoulder injury, it is essential to be clear about these three things, or it may lead to irritation, re-injury, or not getting the most out of the exercise.

A Push Up Tweak to Rehab the Rotator Cuff

Rick Kaselj, MS

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