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#1 Yoga Pose to Banish Shoulder Pain

#1 Yoga Pose to Banish Shoulder Pain

Today, I have a quick exercise to help you eliminate shoulder pain. It’s the #1 yoga pose to banish shoulder pain. Enjoy!

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Yoga has been around for centuries, so there’s a reason why it is an increasingly popular form of exercise. We all have our fair share of aches and pains, but you can banish shoulder pain with the right combination of yoga poses. There are numerous health benefits of yoga. These include improved mental health, reduced stress, increased flexibility, and improved blood sugar levels. 

Yoga has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve the range of motion in the shoulders. Its calming effects on the body and mind can help relieve stress that may lead to back pain or shoulder pain. However, it’s essential to be aware of proper alignment not to exacerbate or cause injury. One pose, in particular, can help alleviate shoulder pain. The Active Press-up is an excellent way to stretch the spine and relax the shoulders.

Active Press-Up

The shoulders are a significant source of stress for people as they often tense up during repetitive activity, such as typing on a keyboard or driving. They can also become tight from years of being in front of a computer screen. With regular practice, the shoulder girdle will decrease in tension over time. The Active Press-up is a great way to open the shoulders and relieve stress from tight muscles. Practice this pose once or twice daily to prevent injury and improve flexibility.

Start in a triangle position, hurry down, and press up or arch your back. Keep the hips steady and your legs extended. Hold the end position for a second and then return to the starting position.

Active Press-up

Work on the shoulder blade muscle, and strengthen the shoulder to decrease the stress in the shoulder joint. Over time, you’ll notice an increased range of motion in the shoulders. This pose helps relieve pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. It also improves circulation throughout the body. Give this pose a try next time you are experiencing shoulder pain, and you’ll be amazed by how quickly it will go away.

If you cannot do the whole movement, you can start the triangle position. Hold that position and work on strengthening those muscles in the shoulder blades. The intensity of this exercise is light to moderate, depending on your fitness level.


Yoga poses can help ease shoulder injury by strengthening the shoulder girdle muscles. They are also great for improving flexibility. If you are experiencing shoulder pain and want to get rid of it, it is essential to make an effort in your routine. For example, adding yoga poses like the Active Press-up can help relieve shoulder pain. This pose will open up the shoulders and reduce your shoulder discomfort by slowly decreasing the joint tension. While this pose alone won’t eliminate all aches in the shoulders, it will reduce some of them.

In addition to yoga, other forms of exercise can help alleviate shoulder pain. If you want to add a form of exercise besides yoga, consider Pilates or swimming. Keep your mind and body active to prevent injuries and have healthy shoulders. If you want to learn how to permanently eliminate your shoulder discomfort, check out the Shoulder Pain Solved program here.

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