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5 Stretches You Need During Busy Workdays

Here are some stretches that you can do in the office or at home. These are ideal for helping you get through a busy workday, but you can also do them to help you relax after a long day ― no matter what kind of work you do. These stretches will help you feel better and help you ease any stress that may be lingering.

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#1 – Low Lunge Hold

Begin in an upright standing position, keeping your head, shoulders, hips and legs in proper alignment. Take a big step back with one leg, and then lower your back knee to the ground, keeping your toes pointing straight ahead. Contract your core and extend your arms overhead. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the opposite side.

Low Lunge Hold

Start with one set of 1 repetition on each side, ideally holding for 10 seconds.

#2 – Forward Fold with Arms Interlaced

Begin in an upright standing position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, maintaining proper alignment with your head, shoulders, hips and legs. Interlace your fingers behind your back. Engage your core and bend through the hips, slowly dropping your upper body toward the floor and lifting your joined hands away from your body. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Forward Fold with Arms Interlaced

Start with one set of 2 repetitions, ideally holding for 10 seconds.

#3 – Half-moon Pose

Begin in an upright standing position maintaining proper alignment with your head, shoulders, hips and legs. Extend both arms overhead, interlacing your fingers with both index fingers pointing toward the ceiling. Engage your core and bend your upper body to one side. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the opposite side.

Half-moon Pose

Start with one set of 1 repetition on each side, ideally holding for 10 seconds.

#4 – Golfers’ Stretch

Begin in an upright standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart and maintaining proper alignment with your head, shoulders, hips and legs. Hinge through your hips as you straighten one leg out front, pointing your toes toward the ceiling. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the opposite leg.

Golfers’ Stretch

Start with one set of 1 repetition on each side, ideally holding for 10 seconds.

#5 – Front Opener From Chair

Sit upright on the front of a chair or bench, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands at your sides on the chair for support. Contract your core, push from your heels and arms, and arch your back to lift your seat off of the chair. Maintain proper alignment with your head, shoulders, hips and knees. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat the movement.

Front Opener From Chair

Start with one set of 2 repetitions, ideally holding for 10 seconds.

These stretches are ideal for doing in the middle of your workday or at the end of it, whether you work from home or in an office. You can also do them as part of your warm-up or cool-down routine when working out.

If you want to lose weight, become less stressed, be more motivated and excited about life, then check out the 11 Daily Stretches to Feel and Look Amazing program, here!

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