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BCRPA Fitness Conference 2010 Feedback

BCRPA Fitness Conference 2010 Feedback

The British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA) hosted its Fitness conference and brought together industry professionals to discuss fitness trends, best practices, and future opportunities for the sector. In response to feedback from participants at the event and providers who could not attend, we’re releasing a summary of key learnings from the day.

BCRPA Conference is Back!

I am so happy that this conference is back, and the feedback for the 2010 edition has been excellent.

It was nice to play a part in helping select and organize the presenter side of things. Being on the BCRPA Conference Committee was a great way of giving back to the fitness professionals across BC.

I think the final numbers were about 450 participants for 50 sessions! WoW!

BCRPA is already planning for next year. It will be September 16 to 18 or September 23 to 25. When I find out, I will let you know.

As you know, I had done three sessions at the conference. I have not got the evaluations back yet, but I got one great compliment from a fitness professional:

“Thanks, Rick, for the great, detailed handouts. I am sure I will be referring to them often as I implement all the ideas I picked up in your sessions at the BCRPA conference this weekend. And I enjoyed your sessions on” Shoulder Exercises That Help, Not Hurt” and “Core Exercises that Most Fitness Professionals Overlook.” I particularly appreciated the exercise progressions you explained and the mix between theory and practical demonstrations.”

Doreen Blair
BCRPA advanced fitness leader, advanced weight trainer, advanced personal trainer

More Kind Words

As you know, Muscle Imbalance Revealed (MIR) has been one of my major projects this year. It has helped well over 500 fitness professionals from 17 different countries. It is fantastic to help many fitness professionals who help thousands of people. The feedback from MIR has been great. Here is another one:

“Hi Rick

I purchased the fantastic MIR and had to drop you a line to say thank you. I have been training clients since 2004. I remember many instances where I could see a client’s issue with a specific movement or exercise, but I couldn’t address it. I feel that what you have done is bridge the gap between the basics that I learned to now being able to address issues directly. MIR gave me the catalyst to question what I’ve been doing all these years but, most importantly, challenged me to go further and ask the right questions.

I received your package through Eric Cressey’s newsletter (i completed his Max Strength program and achieved excellent results) and immediately bought the webinars. I didn’t realize at the time that MIR was the tip of the iceberg. My eyes have been opened to a complete shift in thinking and application when it comes to personal training. I have been particularly impressed with Kevin Yates simplified approach to what we do.

At the moment, I’m trying to get through all this great stuff that you and your alumni seem to churn out at a tremendous rate.

I actually now feel that I can make a real difference with this logical approach to training.

I can’t thank you enough for reigniting my passion and enthusiasm for health and fitness.”


Darren Moroney

Well, that is it for today. Have a great day and weekend.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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