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My Favorite Forward Head Posture Exercises

My Favorite Forward Head Posture Exercises

Forward head posture is when you keep your chin stuck forward and maintain this position for longer periods than what’s considered healthy or normal. Many people are unaware that they have developed this habit. Straining the neck and back muscles while typing on the computer, reading, watching television, working at a desk all day, etc., are the most common causes of Forward Head Posture.

This posture has many negative impacts on health and well-being because proper neck muscle function is vital for coordination, balance, strength, endurance, and protection from injury. Forward head posture usually takes a long time to correct because it is initiated in childhood or early adulthood. There are many ways to strengthen your neck and relieve Forward Head Posture.

One way to avoid forward head postures is by doing corrective forward head posture exercises and stretches daily. These exercises are easy and can be done anywhere you feel comfortable. In addition, they only take minutes out of your day!

My Favorite Forward Head Posture Exercises

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1. Chest Stretch

Chest Stretch

Place your forearm up against the wall with your elbow below the shoulder and your right shoulder up. Step through with your right leg. Look for a light stretch in the front of your chest. If you have a forward head posture, you tend to be tight in the front of the shoulder. Do this stretch on both sides, alternating back and forth. Do two repetitions and hold the end position for 20 seconds.

Your shoulder blades should always remain flat against the back while performing this chest stretch as it helps strengthen and lengthen muscles after all of the repetitions have been completed; if they do not stay flat during these movements, there may be some underlying muscular problems that require medical attention immediately.

2. Lift the Arms Over Head

Lift the Arms Over Head

This exercise will help in restoring proper posture and preventing forward head postures. It is done by raising the arms over your head while sitting, then slowly lowering them down to both sides of your palms facing outwards away from your body until they are shoulder height again. You should hold this position for five seconds before returning back up and repeating the movement three times more. This motion has been found to be effective for those who walk or stand on their feet all day long as it helps improve muscle strength like chest muscles, shoulders, upper back, and neck.


A forward head posture is one of the most common postural distortions individuals experience. If you have a long history of neck, shoulder, and back pain, it may not just be time for an adjustment in your daily routine but rather a time to make some changes or seek out professional help from a physical therapist who can show you what kind of exercises will work best for you.

If you want to instantly restore balance to your posture making you physically stronger, mentally sharper, and achieve peak performance, then click here to check out the Forward Head Posture FIX program.

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