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Upper Crossed Syndrome & Forward Head Posture

Upper Crossed Syndrome & Forward Head Posture

In today’s video, I wanted to explain a little bit further what upper crossed syndrome is. How it relates to forward head posture.

Upper Crossed Syndrome & Forward Head Posture

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You have probably seen someone before who has posture similar to the photo below. Where you can notice the person has rounded shoulders and his head is jutted forward.  This postural condition is referred to as Upper Crossed Syndrome.

Forward Head Posture

One part of upper crossed syndrome is the forward head posture.  It is super important that you do something about this postural syndrome. Most especially when it comes to the forward head posture side of things. If you don’t take any action to fix this, the condition can lead to numerous negative effects on your health, fitness, sleep, performance, digestive system, brain, and more.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you are unable to watch or listen to the video above, check out the transcript below.

Hey! This is Rick Kaselj, Injury Specialist from In today’s video I wanted to explain a little bit further what upper crossed syndrome is. ow it relates to forward head posture. You probably have seen this posture before where people end up rounding their shoulders and jutting their head forward.

So this whole thing ends up being upper cross syndrome. It ends up being what’s happening with the shoulders, what’s happening with the mid-back, what’s happening with the head. So that ends up being upper crossed syndrome.

Now, one part of upper cross syndrome is the forward head posture. That’s where the head and the neck are, what’s happening there. So it’s very common if you have been told you have upper crossed syndrome, you also end up having forward head posture. And it’s super important that you end up doing something about this. Especially when it comes to the forward head posture side of things, because it can have numerous negative effects on your health, fitness, sleep, performance, digestive system, your brain, etc.

Now, if you liked this video and you’re kind of wondering if you have forward head posture, then what I recommend that you do is click this link right here, I have a free self-assessment that I end up going through when it comes to letting you know if you have forward head posture. It takes about 60 seconds to do.

Let me know where to send it and I’ll send it to you right away. Now if you’re watching this video on a mobile device, just head down below into the description and click the first link which will end up being Let me know where I can send that self-assessment. Now, before you go make sure to LIKE the video if you ended up getting a benefit from it. Also head down below into the description, leave me a question. And lastly, before you, go make sure to subscribe to the channel in order to get future critical bench videos.

If you want to fix your ugly forward head posture, then click here to check out the Forward Head Posture FIX program.

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