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5 Lower Back Pain Yoga Stretches That Work

5 Lower Back Pain Yoga Stretches That Work

I wanted to show you a few lower back pain yoga stretches.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I had Jenna demonstrate the exercises.

1. Two Knees Twist

Lie on your back on the floor with your hands on the side. Relax the upper body. Bend the knees over the hip and have the feet aligned with your knees. Drop the knees to one side, move back to the center, and then drop the knees to the other side.

Two Knees Twist

Perform one set of 5 reps on each side in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the end position. The intensity can be light to moderate, depending on your strength. This exercise targets the core abdominal area, especially in the twisting or transverse plane. Also, when the knees are close to the floor, you are getting a good stretch in the lower and mid-back areas.

3. Sphinx Pose

Lie down on your stomach with legs underneath the hips. Relax the upper body. Prop yourself up and hold on to that position, and then go to the starting position.

Sphinx Pose

Perform one set of 2 reps with a 20-second hold at the end position. The intensity is light. This is a stretch and mobility exercise, which targets the muscles around the back and improves the movement in the vertebrae in the lower and mid-back areas.

3. Seated Twist

Begin in a nice, upright seated position with crossed legs. Reach your left knee with your right arm and twist your upper body to the side. Go to the starting position and repeat the movement to the other side.

Seated Twist

Perform one set of 2 reps with 3 to 5 seconds hold, and then progress to 20 seconds hold at the end position. The intensity is light. This is a stretch and mobility exercise. You will feel the stretch in the muscles on the side of your back and pelvis area. For mobility, this exercise works on improving the rotation in the vertebrae.

4. Standing Forward Fold

Begin in a nice, upright standing position with your legs about hip-width apart. Bend the upper body forward by moving through the hips, and then hold onto that bottom position.

Standing Forward Fold

Perform one set of 2 reps with a 3- to 5-second hold, and then progress to a 20-second hold. The intensity is light. This exercise stretches the low back area and the traction throughout the spine.

This exercise reeducates your movement pattern, which means that when you bend forward, the movement should happen through the hips instead of the spine. Also, when you are hanging at the bottom position, you will feel a stretch in the muscles at the side of your back and traction or pulling through the spine, which provides a lot of people relief when it comes to back pain.

5. Legs Up on the Wall

Lie on your back on the floor with arms to the side. Relax the upper body and put the legs up on the wall. The more you move your seat toward the wall, the greater the stretch you will get on your calves, hamstrings, and glutes.

Legs Up on the Wall

Perform one set of 2 reps with a hold of 20 seconds. The intensity is light. This is a stretching exercise that helps in loosening up the hamstrings, glutes, and calves so that there is less pull on the low back area.

Give these five low back pain yoga stretches a go and your back will be happy.

If you want to learn how to get rid of your back discomfort permanently, then check out Low Back Pain Solved, here!

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

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