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5 Yoga Poses to Alleviate Back Pain

5 Yoga Poses To Alleviate Back Pain

If you have ever experienced back pain, you know it can be quite unbearable. Back pain can be a result of poor posture, stress, or overexerting yourself physically. 

The strain and tension associated with your day-to-day activities may also cause back pain. These painful episodes can leave you feeling like there’s no end in sight. 

Luckily, yoga can help ease your back pain. Yoga poses for back pain are an excellent way to reduce pain naturally. Practicing these poses regularly will increase your flexibility and reduce muscle tension and stress in the lower back region.

I wanted to go through five back-pain relief exercises from yoga.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I had Jenna to demonstrate the exercises.

1. Wall Plank

In a standing position, move toward the wall and bring your hands on the wall. Work your way down the wall and bend through the hips, looking at stretching through the hips and stretching through the back. Your head is aligned with the rest of your spine. Hold that position for a few seconds.

Wall Plank

In this exercise, you will feel a stretch in the hamstrings, glutes, and low-back area.

Perform one set of 2 reps, with a hold of 20 seconds in the bottom position with light intensity.

2. Downward Dog

Get into a pike position, then come up out of that pike position back into a plank position, and finally back into a downward position.

Downward Dog

In this exercise, we are working on strengthening up the shoulders, back and core. We are also working on the flexibility in the hips and low-back area. Incorporating yoga poses to alleviate back pain is a great way to address discomfort in the lower back.

Perform one set of 5 reps, holding the top position for 5 to 10 seconds with an intensity of feeling the shoulders and core work.

3. Pigeon Pose

From the downward dog position, raise your left leg up, hold that position for 5 to 10 seconds, and then come out to the pigeon post going to downward dog, bringing the leg across so that left leg is toward that right hand.

Pigeon Pose

In this exercise, we are stretching out the hip rotators.

Perform one set of 2 reps on each side, alternating back and forth, holding the end position for about 10 seconds with light to medium intensity.

4. Child’s Pose

In an all-fours position with the knees bent, bring the hips back resting on to the foot. Drop the upper body between the knees and place the arms out front.

Child’s Pose

In this exercise, we are looking at stretching out the hips, mid-back, and low-back areas.

Perform one set of 2 reps with a hold of about 10 seconds at the end position with light intensity.

5. Press-up Movement

From plank position into press up, hold it for 2 seconds, then come back out in plank movement, and then go back in press movement.

Press-up Movement

In this exercise, we are working on improving the mobility in the low-back area and strengthening out the shoulder blade area.

Perform one set of 2 to 5 reps with a hold of 2 to 5 seconds at the end position with light intensity.

So, there you go. These are the five yoga poses to alleviate back pain that can help with back pain relief that comes from yoga.


The best way to prevent back pain is by making healthy lifestyle choices. Make sure to stretch regularly and sleep enough. Always remember that preventative measures are key to avoiding pain. 

If you have back pain, you should try yoga. Yoga poses for back pain are an excellent way to reduce pain and promote relaxation in the lower back region. These poses are suitable for people of all fitness levels.

If you want to overcome your low back pain flare-up so you can move your back around without worrying if the pain will come back, then check out the Low Back Pain Solved program, here!

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

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