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Rambles – What is on Rick’s Mind?

Rambles – What is on Rick’s Mind

Hey, it is Friday. Let’s ramble.

Well, let me ramble.

More Rambles about Facebook

As I mentioned in a previous ramble, I try to search out an article daily from online sources on exercise and injuries. I post it on my Facebook page when I find and read it. It looks like it is helping other fitness professionals out there. It is very cool to get comments like this on my Facebook account:

I am so happy that I can help them all out.

Plus, I added this cool button on my blog so you can “like” my blog posts and comment on the blog via Facebook. How cool is that!

Helping Fitness Professionals in their Career

I know not all fitness professionals will be fitness professionals forever.

Many times, they progress on like Tommy.

Tommy is off to medical school, but I am happy that I was able to help him in his learning.

During my first year of Kinesiology at Simon Fraser University, I took the Introduction to Core Stability and Exercise Rehabilitation of the Shoulder courses with Rick Kaselj. These were my first exercise or rehabilitation courses. I was not sure what to expect going in but was told by several people that they were an excellent opportunity to become familiar with some of the more common injuries I would see as a trainer.

There was a good mix of people taking the courses, and I didn’t feel out of place. The lessons taught the specifics of shoulder and core exercises in much greater detail than my weight lifting instructor certification courses. While working with clients, I continued to refer to the course materials for some time afterward. I would recommend these courses to anyone involved in personal training or rehabilitation or anyone considering getting involved as I was when I took the classes.

Thanks again,

Tommy Merth – M.Sc. Student

Simon Fraser University

Hmm, I am not sure what else to ramble about.

I think I will call it a day.

Have a great one.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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