Quick Back Warm Up

A warm-up helps reduce the risk of injury by increasing blood flow, range of motion, and muscle temperature in the area you will be focusing on. It also optimizes performance by leveling up the range of motion, blood flow, and muscle temperature to allow for a safer and more productive workout.

I am just about to head off to the gym. I got something for you to do when you are at the gym.

It is a quick back warm-up. It is from Jason Klein, who has been on EFI before.

Enjoy the warm-up.

~ Rick Kaselj

Hey, buddy, what’s up?

This is Jason from LeanBodyRevolution.com. This video is for everybody over at  ExercisesforInjuries.com, Rick Kaselj, and everybody over there.

You guys are awesome.

CLICK HERE to watch the 3 Exercise Back Warm-Up on YouTube

I read many of Rick’s stuff on back injury workouts, and I have his Fix My Back Pain program.

I want to give you three exercises to warm up the back effectively and prepare you for your workout.

Let’s get to them.

#1 – Standing T

The first movement quick back warm-up that you are going to do is just a Standing T.

Quick Back Warm Up

Standing T

How to do the Standing T Exercise:

  1. I am going into a half squat and my palms up.
  2. My thumbs are going to go up towards the ceiling.
  3. I will lift my arms back and work the muscle in the mid-back and around my shoulder blade.
  4. I am going to do 12 repetitions.

#2 – Standing V

After doing 12 reps, you are going right into your Standing V exercise, which looks like this.

Quick Back Warm Up

Standing V

How to do the Standing V:

  1. It’s the same starting point as the Standing T regarding my upper body, arms, and legs.
  2. The movement is similar, but now you will make it like a V instead.
  3. That’s your standing V, and you are just trying to squeeze for two seconds up at the top, so that’s 12 reps for T and 12 reps for the V.

#3 – Stick-Em Up

The last one is going to be a Stick-Em Up. It looks like this.

Quick Back Warm Up

Stick-Em Up

How to do the Stick-Em Up:

  1. I will come up and ensure that my hips are glued to the wall.
  2. My elbow and fingernails cannot come off the wall; that’s important.
  3. You are squeezing down, and I am going to push up. Remember, elbows cannot come off the wall.
  4. Hold it for 2 seconds on each one, and I will do 12 repetitions of this.

Now you can see they are deceiving. They look easy, but they are pretty hard when you get your elbows on them.


Try those three out.

You got a Standing T, a Standing V, and the Wall Stick-Em Up.

I hope you guys like this video. Give it a shot, especially the wall slides. We will talk to you very soon. This is Jason from Lean Body Revolution; see you guys later.

Jason Klein, CPT, CES, NS

7 Best Daily Habits for a Healthy Back