Kristen, RN – Madison, WI, USA

Best thing about Invincible Core is that I really like the step-by-step process that you use in teaching, and how the exercises are taught from easier to more difficult and challenging. You are right when you say anyone can use the Invincible Core system.

Some of the exercises are more difficult for me, but I totally expected it and I am glad that I feel challenged. I don’t dislike hard and challenging exercises, like some people do because I know the benefits of these exercises to my body and that makes me feel really good about it.

Invincible Core is what you make of it. These are exercises for everyone, at any level. Explanations are great as well as the demonstrations.

Thank you so much!

Linda Arnold – Retired Professional, Pézenas, South France, Retired ProfessionalLinda Arnold – Retired Professional, Pézenas, South France, Retired Professional

I am a very active 62-year old woman but I broke my arm and injured my elbow before Christmas, and have been exercising such as HIIT and weights, walking. But recently I felt knee pain in one leg.

After doing the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program just once, my knee pain disappeared. I am now doing it everyday, followed by Unlock Your Hamstring exercises, as a warm up to my other workout. I already recommended this program.

Paula Powell

I just wanted to let you know that the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises have helped me to feel better. I don’t have pain in my legs and a constant nagging need to stretch my lower body, legs, buttocks and hips.

I want to thank you for the great information.

It appears to be designed to appeal to a wide audience. The way you have presented the information allows me to fast forward through the basic explanations and get to the meat of it. By showing alternatives to each such as the use of the wall instead of the floor makes this so versatile for young and not so young! I’m sure you would agree that exercise at all ages has it’s benefits. This opens up the opportunity for seniors as well as those of us that may be rehabbing.

I particularly appreciate the section on foam rolling. Your Invincible Core program provides me with enough information to use it on my own for a complete understanding of the how and why. This gives me a chance to work with it on my own so as not to take up valuable training time.

Larry Page

Deborah Cambria – Registered Nurse- Health Educator, Philadelphia, USA

I have to say that Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises DO WORK!

I have been doing them about every other day.

I have pain in my legs and buttocks and sort of like a sciatica. I exercise and walk a lot. I sit at my desk a lot at work but I am able to move around and use the stairs all day. I climb the stairs to the 7th floor every day 3 times. The pain I have comes and goes but I have it more than I don’t. It was getting really bad interrupting my sleep. I can’t have things interrupting sleep!

I really feel the exercises loosen my hips and the pain subsides. I also do other things for the pain like take anti-inflammatory enzymes and eat fermented foods, no processed foods, little sugar, no transfats, etc and they all help too but I needed something else and the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises were it.

My son is a personal trainer, was a Kinesiology major and is a PA so he can show me the correct way to do them. I asked him about the exercises and he said absolutely do them.

Thank you!

Arthur Barnes – News Journalist, Whangarei, Northland, New ZealandArthur Barnes – News Journalist, Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand

I am elated with the results of your Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercise program and can’t thank you enough for your help. From the first time I tried the exercises, the relief was immediate. I’m sure I look and feel slimmer and I stand straighter and walk taller. I am truly grateful.

Before the program, the aching and tightness in my lower back had troubled me for some 20 years or more. As a news journalist (subeditor mostly), I spend many hours at a computer keyboard. And I can see now how all that sitting had seized up the muscles in my middle area.

Now I experience next to no ache. If I do I just do the exercises and I feel great again. The best thing about the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is being able to obtain such quick relief and understanding what the trouble was and having a ready solution at hand.

I am recommending the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises to anyone who wants to know about them. I tell them the exercises are really simple, easy to follow and in the end, don’t require much effort at all. And the quick results speak for themselves.

Again, many thanks for your practical wisdom and easy-to-understand explanations. I live in New Zealand, and if you are ever down this way, I would love to meet you and shake your hand.


Andrew Podolak – Former FBI Special Agent and Martial Arts Instructor, Linden, VA outside Washington, DC, USAAndrew Podolak – Former FBI Special Agent and Martial Arts Instructor, Linden, VA outside Washington, DC, USA

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises are helping. I feel relief from the tightness in my hip flexor on the right side which I have for 20 yrs.

Thank you!

Phyllis Miyauchi – Retired, South Glens Falls, NY, USA

I was in horrible pain until Unlock Your Hip Flexors program just showed up on my computer. I bought it and began to do the exercises twice a day everyday. Within a week I couldn’t believe the difference. My flexibility has increased a good deal and I’m down from a pain level of 10 to about 2 off and on. I need to keep working on it since I still have some problems sitting over half an hour, driving my car and doing climbing hiking.

Thank you so much! Talk about synchronicity! You came when I needed you.

Susan B.

Your Unlock You Hip Flexors program has been a tremendous help to me, having had 4 years of undiagnosed pain, multiple imagings, several round of PT, different medicines, and consultations at a pain clinic. Your simple easy exercises have improved my situation greatly.

Please thank Rick Kaselj for me, until I came across his program I was resigned to giving up my active lifestyle and living in constant pain. He has been a blessing!

Thank you!

Louise Pocengal – California, USA

I am 86 years old and doing reasonably well. However, I did have a small problem with rotator cuff pain over the past few years and the exercises I received from my doctor really didn’t help much. I used Rick’s exercises of placing my arm back and to the side plus bending my arm waist high in back of me and pushing against a wall, and this really helped. The pain is gone and I can reach up and get things from a high shelf. I really appreciate that!

I have only been doing the Forward Head Posture Fix exercises for a few days, but I can feel some improvement in my posture. When backing out of a parking place at a shopping mall I found it difficult to turn my head back and to the sides to look for approaching cars, but now it is much easier. I am also standing up a little straighter and filling my lungs with oxygen better.

These exercises are quite simple and don’t take a lot of time but they just make my body feel better!

Thanks for your help, Rick!

Jk Overstocks

My hips started bothering me about a year ago. I had a Hysterectomy with complications and spent 4 days in the hospital. The exercises in Unlock Your Hip Flexors program are really helping me!

I need to try the hamstring exercises as I also have plantar fasciitis and tight hamstrings. Your exercises along with the right supplements and hard work are returning my life back to a decent place before the evil word menopause tried to turn me into a fat, depressed person with painful, hips, knees and feet.

Thanks again.

Sue Bowie – Vancouver Island

I have been doing the Unlock Your Hip Flexors movements for a few weeks now, not every day and so far I really feel like it is helping to loosen up that area.

I had knee problems from an old work injury, and all the muscles in my legs got really tight, so I went to massage rather than a doctor, and it really did help but then the hip flexors got tight, even though I was doing stretches every day for them, and trying not to overwork myself around the farm.

Thank you for your great exercises! I can now get up off the couch and not be so stiff for the first few steps, and I sleep better as well.

Thanks for your help

Ivy Yeo – Retired Professional, SingaporeIvy Yeo – Retired Professional, Singapore

Rick, big thank you for the exercises you created to Unlock Your Hip Flexors. I ordered the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises program for my husband.

He had a pain and had to walk with a walking stick, even that was with great difficulty. He wanted to see a chiropractor but when I showed him your exercises and he immediately started doing them.

Fantastic! his pain was minimized and could walk now without any aid. He is going to make it his lifestyle doing the exercises.

Thank you again and God bless you!

Cathy Lawrence – Voice Teacher, New York City, NY, USACathy Lawrence – Voice Teacher, New York City, NY, USA

I wanted to thank you for Unlock Your Hip Flexors. I’ve never written a testimonial before, but that program has quite literally made me feel like a different person. I feel looser, leaner, and I have none of the pain and stiffness in my lower back that had plagued me for decades.

It’s truly amazing. And the results were apparent in the first couple of days. Thank you so much!

Tony Toohey – Commercial Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Duct Installer, Chatswood, NSW AustraliaTony Toohey – Commercial Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Duct Installer, Chatswood, NSW Australia

My hips are starting to get back to normal lately thanks to the exercises in the “Unlock Your Hip Flexors” Video, sensational little work out.

I also found that doing some of the standing stretch exercises in the pool works for me too, I did this last night with great results.

Thanks for your consideration mate hope to hear from you more in the future.

Tracy Walker – Registered Nurse, North Carolina, USATracy Walker – Registered Nurse, North Carolina, USA

I just wanted to say thank you for providing what I needed to resolve my hip problem! I have been lifting weights since February of last year, but it has only been in the last 2 or 3 months that I noticed a problem in my right hip.

I downloaded your Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises, went through them, and felt good afterwards. I went through work all day with no pain and no pain medication. Yeah!!

Thanks so much for a simple answer to a problem I have been dealing with for months. Very few people seem to understand this issue, so I have been spreading the word.


I am noticing much improvement, and I have to say that 5 Tricks That Fight Hip Pain and Tightness program is combined with so many exercises. This network of leaders in the field of health and wellness is so amazing.

I think the video on the 5 Tricks That Fight Hip Pain and Tightness program has been very helpful. Each time I use it is I realize that the moves are good for me. Also the awareness of balance in the muscles is coming to my attention.

Thank you.

Shona McKee – Teacher, Wanaka, New Zealand

My knee had become unstable as I have no ACL so it caused pain when I went out hiking.

After using the Fix My Knee Pain program, I have seen an improvement in stability. It gives me a routine to work through. I use it in conjunction with other knee strengthening exercises and the hip flexors and hamstring exercises.

Fix My Knee Pain is an easy to follow programme which addresses knee issues, but you need to be disciplined and use it regularly.

Thomas Mcgowan – Retired Marketing Executive, Dublin, IrelandThomas Mcgowan – Retired Marketing Executive, Dublin, Ireland

I have a terrific experience with the “Unlock Your Hip Flexors” exercise program!

I am a 71 year old, a golf enthusiast, and had been experiencing sciatica type pain in my left hip for some time. Thankfully by following your Unlock Your Hip Flexors program daily, I am now totally free of hip pain.

Many thanks for your help!

Shelley Watson – Retired Executive Assistant, Carmel, Calif., USAShelley Watson – Retired Executive Assistant, Carmel, Calif., USA

Your exercises have changed my life. I have been in constant pain for 15 years. The worst has been the last 2 years. The series of stretches on the video and the information in the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program have been a blessing! Thank you!

Isabelle Favreau – Saskatoon, Sk. CanadaIsabelle Favreau – Saskatoon, Sk. Canada

After a week of doing Rick Kaselj’s Unlock Your Hip Flexors program, I am noticing a big difference in my mobility and most certainly, a decrease in the pain.

The exercises are certainly better than what my physiotherapist prescribed. The latter only increased the pain.

When I do the hip flexor exercises in the sequence that is shown, my body seems to know that these movements are exactly right.

I like the program. I like how Rick uses the model to demonstrate the exercises. I appreciate how he has responded to feedback and has offered alternatives to the first exercises. His knowledge and genuine caring is very obvious.

Thank you Rick!

Jennifer C. – Professional Hair Stylist, Colorado, USA

My low back used to be very stiff and tired regardless of how much I stretch or exercise. I’ve been doing the flow routine for about a week now and notice improvements in the stiffness.

The best thing about the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program are the specific routine to follow. This program is very helpful!

Lei Ho – Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Thank you for being the genius who will show me how to get better as I get older, I will tell you that I could feel a significant improvement in my gait after only two sessions of your exercises. I have osteoarthritis, bone-on-bone knees, a history of sore hips, an undiagnosable (according to 14 MDs) neuropathy that makes me unstable walking and gives me the sensation that I’m stepping on pebbles although I do not have diabetes. I do daily taiji and yoga, and workout dog-paddling in the ocean 30 to 60 minutes. Nothing improved my staggering, stiff-legged gait until I did your exercises twice.

What I love about Unlock Your Hip Flexors; 1) it’s easy to do, 2) doesn’t require equipment or a gym (because I live on a very limited budget), 3) it makes sense according to all of my martial arts and yoga training as well as my personal experience with back, hip, and knee pain, and 4) best of all, I can do it myself which is how I most like to train.

Thank you Rick for addressing a need no other health professional has helped me with. You are my hero and savior! I am confident your program will provide even more benefit to me and I have downloaded the Advanced Hip Flexor Exercises. I promise to report my success to you.


Thomas Mcgowan – Retired Marketing Executive, Dublin, Ireland

I have a terrific experience with the “Unlock Your Hip Flexors” exercise program!

I am a 71 year old, a golf enthusiast, and had been experiencing sciatica type pain in my left hip for some time. Thankfully by following your Unlock Your Hip Flexors program daily, I am now totally free of hip pain.

Many thanks for your help!

Henri Martin – Retired, Orsa SwedenHenri Martin – Retired, Orsa Sweden

The Forward Head Posture Fix is a great tool to re-balance the whole body.

Before trying the Forward Head Posture Fix program, I felt many tensions and stiffness despite a daily yoga and Tai Chi practice. After trying the program, my vision improved and the stiffness in my neck decreased.

Thank you Rick for this program!

Shai Mizrachi

Eight years ago, I started suffering from pain. Since then, I have a chiropractic treatment twice a month but in the beginning I had treatments 3 times a week.

After using the Forward Head Posture Fix program for three times, I feel great. After watching the video, I saw exactly the issues I have, and the same talks I have with my chiropractor. I’m assuming that I will need to leave my chiropractor now and doing this exercise will bring me to live a better life even when growing older.

Forward Head Posture Fix matched all the issues that I have and it gives the way on how to fix them. I certainly will recommend it!



I wanted to email to say THANK YOU for this manual. Could not have been more perfect timing for me, my neck is a mess. Despite stand up desks, treadmills, yoga, I find myself with tingling in left arm, on planes, trains and cars way too much. The chiro says it is due to double crush syndrome so I have declared war on making it better. This popped into my inbox just a few days after seeing a new chiropractor in NYC.

I love the exercises in the Forward Head Posture Fix program and have started doing almost all of them daily. Excellent set of moves that can be accomplished in my car (almost), at work and at home.

Thanks again! Keep up the great work!

Thank you, Rick!

Lynn – Dietetics, Celina, Ohio, USA

I am floored by how well this worked! I do yoga on a regular basis, but I could not get rid of my constant hip pain. I went through the whole set of exercises on a Sunday. By Tuesday, I realized that my hips had stopped hurting. Well done!

Your Unlock Your Hip Flexors book taught me how bad sitting is for my psoas muscles and the cascading negative things that can happen to the body and mind from having tight hip flexors. Usually I would go right into the stretches, but your book taught me that the hips have to be unlocked in a progressive order- or I could make my problem worse.

I think that the dynamic first step of swinging the legs was a real help as it loosened me up and brought blood and warmth to my muscles!

Thank you, Rick!

Betsy C. – Nashville, Tennessee, USA

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is a life-changer no matter where you are on the athletic spectrum. I have always been a reasonably active person but it came to a point when I was doing less and less because of unexplained back, hip, and knee pain until I tried this program.

I am almost pain-free when I walk and lift my legs for any reason. I have recommended this to my mom and brother, who both suffer from knee and hip pain!

Thank you for helping us out, Rick!

Larry Vaught – 1st degree black belt in Kempo Karate, Professional musician/percussionist/drummer, Roseville, California, USA

My life was going “Okay”, but needed to find some other ways of strengthening my body and now I found your Invincible Core program. The exercises are helping me achieve that goal. I also had some injuries before and this program is helping me with my lower back and hip flexors.

I will describe Invincible Core program as the safest way to exercise or strengthen your body, especially if your body has certain issues or limitations, etc. It’s not a “kill yourself trying to do them” program.

Ted Phipps – Computer Consultant, Washington, DC, USA

After the first week of doing the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises, my hips stopped hurting. I can already tell that the flexibility has improved. It’s amazing!

I can also do the exercises at my workstation, usually in the morning before starting my day. I also appreciated the alternate exercises offered. The ability to download the videos to my tablet is a huge plus, I can take them with me wherever and review my technique to make sure I’m doing things correctly.

Mobility is critical as you get older. Along with balance and weight lifting, you can feel younger and reverse the effects of years of bad habits by using the Unlock Your Hip Flexors exercises.

Jim Tallman – Industrial Training Consultant, Langley, BCJim Tallman – Industrial Training Consultant, Langley, BC

I’ve had much better success with your Unlock Your Hip Flexors program, however, which I got a few months ago. I’ve had a problem with the fascia in my left glute/thigh for over three years. It got to where I could hardly go up stairs, and would wake up two or three times each night from the pain/discomfort. I tried yoga, two different physiotherapists, a prescription topical cream from my doctor, foam rolling, massage and 222’s. None of these were very effective.

However, I started doing the exercises in the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program three or four months ago, and the problem has gone away. I can walk up stairs with no problem and don’t wake up in the night from the pain. I do the exercises every day without fail and the pain is gone and most of the stiffness as well. I plan to keep doing the program for at least several months, if not forever, to make sure the problem stays away. Your program is the only one that has worked. So I have to say it’s a great program!

Suzzanne Pastrof – Hairstylist and Owner of Scissorhands Salon, Rockaway, NJ USA

Thank you for the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program. It has helped my lower back pain.

I am a hairstylist who had abdominal surgery to move tissue and a blood vessel when I had breast reconstruction 2 years ago. I also had back surgery to fuse L4 & L5 & SI . I have a 34 degree scoliosis curvature as well. So over the last few years, I had tried just about everything to get relief from my lower back pain.

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program has made me relatively pain free during my 10-hour days standing. I have a small amount of regret because I spent over $10,000 in the last 2 years between physical therapy, private yoga instruction, Pilates classes and massage. Even my orthopedic surgeon was trying to get me to do scoliosis surgery to correct my curvature. Who would have thought it was tight hip flexors.

Thanks a million. I am recommending the program to everyone. Next, I am going to move onto adding the Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings. I am very excited by the results.

Gary Mcclough – Pittsburg, California, USA

I just wanted to firstly say thank you for making this program because unlocking my hip flexor has helped me a great deal.

My life before the Unlock Your Hip Flexors was not the best. I’ve been doing the program for about a week and a half and I definitely feel the tension starting to loosen up in the hips.

The best thing about Unlock Your Hip Flexors is the 90-90 stretch. I definitely feel that one and also when I lean to the sides. I don’t have any complaints about the program. It’s great and straightforward. I would say it’s a great way to increase mobility and flexibility in the hips. I do squats and this program helps me get a deeper squat.

Thanks Rick for your program!

Line Brix Frandsen – Former 9 time Ironman Athlete, Senior Consultant, Ballerup, DenmarkLine Brix Frandsen – Former 9 time Ironman Athlete, Senior Consultant, Ballerup, Denmark

Thank you so much for this fantastic program for unlocking hip flexors!

I have followed the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program for just 10 days and done it every day at least once and I have felt better. I got an undiagnosed hip injury three years ago. I have hip impingement pain and my hip has locked external rotation so that I only have 30% of normal range of motion.

I have been through lots of physios, chiropractors, osteopaths, Body SDS, massage, trigger point treatment and fascia stretching treatments but the best result has come from these 10 days. I am very happy and impressed.

Regina Garriott

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program was affordable, effective and manageable in terms of time!

I don’t usually buy stuff like this off the internet, but I realized that I would pay over 4x as much for one copay to the doctor or physical therapist. I was not wanting to start a prolonged round of P.T. as I have had to do in the past. But the pain and lack of sleep almost had me throw in the towel and try to fit the P.T into my life again.

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is very manageable, gentle, with strategically sequenced exercises which eliminated my back pain very quickly and effectively.

Donna Coene – Retired, Rochester, NY, USA

Before using the modified version, I could barely even get out of bed. Tons of pain, what I call screaming pain. The doctors say surgery with about six rods is the only solution. I have been putting off surgery for about fifteen years.

I am so happy that the moves from Unlock Your Hip Flexors help. I can get out of bed with bearable discomfort after doing the stretches.

Thank you so much!

Arleen Sugano – Ballet Coach / Instructor, Little Rock, AR, USAArleen Sugano – Ballet Coach / Instructor, Little Rock, AR, USA

You and your work are awesome!

I’m trying to do the same for ballet dancers by streamlining the approach to ballet training methodology so the movement is efficient, reduces the risk of injury and creates longevity for the dancer. Your work has inspired me to keep going. It’s also got me thinking how I could incorporate some of your training for iliopsoas stretching and strengthening (I’m a big fan).

Thank you for the inspiration. Now I need to get back to your work on Rotator Cuff Injuries, a condition I’ve gotten through a mother (she’s 90) who hangs onto my arm and my lifting those dancers’ legs!

All the best!

David Riordan – Retiree, Speedway, Indiana, USADavid Riordan – Retiree, Speedway, Indiana, USA

I have been retired since December 2011. I have been trying to get in shape. Blood pressure was 160/100 – it is now 110/70 without meds!

The Invincible Core is helping me reach the goals I have for my age. The best thing about Invincible Core is I can refer to it whenever I want and I like the videos. It’s a a great way to get a stronger core.

Chad Bower – Strength & Conditioning Coach, Fallston Maryland, USAChad Bower – Strength & Conditioning Coach, Fallston Maryland, USA

The Invincible Core program has detailed progression and regression exercises. It is a simple progressive system to teach basic core movements.

Robert Hensler – Retired U.S. Army Officer, West Point, NY, USARobert Hensler – Retired U.S. Army Officer, West Point, NY, USA

I love the progressions, something for just about every fitness level, plus a logical sequence from the very simple (a person like me in the initial stages of surgery rehab) to the most complex. The options of doing the exercises against the wall, on the floor, with just hands, incorporating additional body parts add to the eventual intensity and overload to improve. I also really like the follow on videos that one can use after understanding the underlying principles involved. The foam rolling videos are also great, since there is a lot of bogus technique floating around on the Internet about same.

The Invincible Core program is a comprehensive and progressive guide to core stability and strength oriented on continual improvement with built in injury prevention and options on specific exercises for a variety of fitness levels.

Astrid Jean Lewis – Belly dance and danzAcise teacher, Johannesburg, South AfricaAstrid Jean Lewis – Belly dance and danzAcise teacher, Johannesburg, South Africa

I have been adding your Invincible Core exercises into my program and it has helped me a lot with reducing the pain to almost feeling no pain at all and I am able to do those movements that I was careful with.

The best thing about Invincible Core is that you explain everything in detail which I find very helpful in understanding what needs to be done correctly. I would describe it as a very safe and effective way of exercising the body as a whole.

Thank you!


What I like the most with Fix My Shoulder Pain program is that the exercises you give us are not your “typical” exercises that you see everywhere else and they work! I have the shoulder version as I have frozen shoulder, torn rotator cuff and tendinitis. I have been going to Physical Therapy which has been good – however I’ve been able to share a few of your exercises that worked for me with my physical therapist which took him by surprise!

Thank you!

Jennifer Dixon – Payroll Supervisor, CPP, Wenatchee, WA, USA

Before ordering the Plantar Fasciitis Relief in 7 Days program, the pain seemed to stay as an ache in the arch of my foot, even when sitting down. Walking any distance was out of the question, so my life slowed down to not much more than sitting. After using the Plantar Fasciitis Relief in 7 Days, I noticed a difference by the second morning. I was able to get up out of bed without the immediate pain and stiffness I am use to experiencing in the morning. I am now able to walk 1.5 miles without pain during or after my walk. That is exciting! The best thing about the Plantar Fasciitis Relief in 7 Days is it is an easy program and of course that it works. It is the one thing that works. I was in constant pain before I started the program and now I am able to take walks with my husband pain free. I am very familiar with trigger point therapy, but I did not know the correct exercises or trigger points to stop the pain. This program hit the nail on the head, worth the money.

Thank you.

Radhakrishna K. – Sacramento, CA, USA

The best thing about the Tennis Elbow Pain Solution Program is it’s easy to implement, requires minimal equipment and can be done anywhere. I would recommend this program! Thanks and regards.

Joe Currie – Personal Trainer, Fitness and Nutrition Coach, Sylvan Lake, MI, USA

The Ruthless Mobility program will enable me to help people transform from PT to regular exercise. I was able to gain a different perspective on movement throughout the body. This course has great new exercises and coaching cues.

Judy Schwer – Network Engineer, Marin County, Northern California, USA

The best things about the Ankle Sprain Solved program are the detailed exercises with multiple levels for each and pictures to remind you of what is which if you forget. I would describe the video as thorough and helpful to allow both a trainer or a person alone at home to use the tools to get the ankle better. The information is there, you just have to use it!

Karen Kalish

I am making progress with my frozen shoulder. My chiropractor is impressed. The best thing about the Frozen Shoulder Solution Program is the thoroughness of the information presented and the research behind it. The nature of frozen shoulder is the fact it takes awhile to resolve. This is the second time with frozen shoulder and I’m making progress quicker than the last time. I believe the frozen shoulder program is working. I would describe the program to someone else as thorough and comprehensive and detailed with all the baby steps to get there.

Nigel Griffiths

Before, I had bad posture, slight forward head, rounded shoulders, and lower back always ready to pain. The Bodyweight Corrective Exercises 2.0 has easy to follow videos and instructions. The program is brilliant! I have been ‘Evangelizing’ about Exercises for Injuries and Rick Kaselj to quite a few of the other older gym crew already!

Lori B. Havas – ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist, Eugene, OR, USA

I love the pictures and the exercise descriptions int Bodyweight Corrective Exercises 2.0. The very best thing is that you tell which muscles are being used, the regressions and the progressions and what can go wrong. I am very thankful to have the program. I would tell another person that BWCE 2.0 is a great resource to have with great pictures and exercise descriptions. It is obvious you put a great deal of work into the program and I think it is well worth the money I paid for it. Thanks,

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