Scott Bisbee ACE-PT – Owner/Operator, Bisbee’s Fitness Experience Inc

“If you want to be like a fraction of the greats in this industry and separate yourself from the joe personal trainers. I highly recommend you buy this product. To find a wealth of knowledge like this you usually have to go to a fitness conference somewhere and for a owner/operator like myself this cuts down costs to a minimum because you can watch and learn on your computer!”

Robert Pearey

Tennis Elbow Pain Solution is easy to follow, and each description is clear and easy to understand. It covers every aspect of tennis elbow, and if you want to stop your pain, follow the procedures as they are put forth.

I do love your products, and your e-mails. You are a great mentor. Thanks again, Rick.”

Chris O. – San Ramon, CA, USAChris O. – San Ramon, CA, USA

“I like that there was a way to see if tennis elbow might be the problem. I have been struggling with shoulder/arm pain for a number of months. But when I did the tests to see if it might be tennis elbow, I “failed” all the tests. So I have started the program.

I like that there is a specific plan and progression of the exercises (3 stages) and that there are videos of the exercises as well as a written manual.

The Tennis Elbow Pain Solution Program video presentation was informative and I’m glad to have video examples of the exercises. It is sometimes difficult to understand an exercise just by reading and looking at pictures.

Thanks for your hard work Rick – hoping that I will have great success with this program. Will keep you updated.”

Brian Bobo

“I currently work with clients who have past or present shoulder injuries due to overuse or athletically related. Because of Effective Rotator Cuff Exercises, I have a more in depth knowledge of the functions of the rotator cuff and it’s vulnerability to injury.”

Randy Shannon – Academic Advisor for Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

“I like the fact that the exercises are feasible and do work for select injuries, I have been including them in my warm ups prior to my exercise program. The Knee Injury Solution is a good general knee strengthening program to assist young athletes or post surgery/injury patients with getting their knees back to health.”

Randy Hares – Chemical Operator and a fitness enthusiast, Tullahoma, TN, USARandy Hares – Chemical Operator and a fitness enthusiast, Tullahoma, TN, USA

Knee Injury Solution is an easy-to-follow program that is designed for anyone.

With a great selection of resources anyone could use this program to rehabilitate their knee.

I love the videos and the detailed explanations. Books are good, but videos are great!”

Thank you.

Kevin Garnier – Personal Trainer, Pasadena Fitness

“This Plantar Fasciitis Exercise webinar course has definitely provided me with the information necessary to understand the key structures, common causes and the essential components of an exercise program for a client with plantar fasciitis. Your recommended and researched backed exercises should be very beneficial when it comes to helping a client in their recovery from plantar fasciitis. Thanks for the great work that you do!”

Chris O. – San Ramon, CA, USAChris O. – San Ramon, CA, USA

“Very informative! The exercises are described very well and I really like the client sheet with the exercises on one page. I like that it can be done in about 10 minutes and it is only 5 reps per exercise.

I found the Scapular Stabilization Webinar and Exercise Program a very helpful program to exercise the scapular muscles.”

Becky Heemeryck

“This Plantar Fasciitis Exercise Program looks AWESOME, exactly what I was looking for — what exercises to do, how often, and how to progress. I like having an action plan and this is going to help me for sure!

Thanks so much Rick, you’ve given me hope that I might be running (at least part of it!) my Ironman in August instead of walking like I was starting to resign myself to!”

Greg Beitling – Lit Fitness, Blue Springs Boot Camp

“I’ve been in the game for nearly 5 years and the understanding the complexity of the shoulder has always been difficult. Your Muscle Imbalances Revealed Upper Body is my go-to resource when one of my clients walks in with a jacked up shoulder, neck, and back.

You got all the big-time players in for 1 awesome product and have recommended my trainers and clients to turn to Rick when if they want their problems to get fixed and rehabilitated. This is something that will definitely stay in my go-to pile… not on the bookshelf but where I can keep coming back to it.”

Thanks Rick!

Chris Shafer – Grocery Clerk / Personal Trainer, Redmond, WA, USA

Shin Spints Solved gave me what I was looking for. Last week a co-worker of mine mentioned she had gotten shin splints, we talked about what she was going through and after our conversation I set out to learn more about a condition that I wasn’t all too familiar with. Low and behold I get one of your emails announcing your new Shin Splints Solved program, and a few days later I’m significantly more familiar. I know what the condition is and what structures of the body are involved. I know the possible reasons as to why it’s happened. I know a list of other conditions it could be outside of shin splints (and with a little research, I now know about those conditions, so double thank you for that), little things like the alternative names allows me to interpret all the medical jargon thrown around by different practitioners, the fact about shoes hitting the 250-500 mile mark and losing up to 40% of their shock absorption capabilities was a golden nugget of wisdom, the multiple options to help recovery, and of course, the simple, progressive, well-laid out program to get clients healthy again…all of this and more.

Again, simply put, before your presentation I didn’t know what shin splints were or how someone got them. Now I do, and with a bit more review, I’ll feel more than comfortable talking to anyone in or out of the health industry about them.”

Danny James – Strength Coach, Sydney, AustraliaDanny James – Strength Coach, Sydney, Australia

“Ricks various websites and products have become one of my ‘go to’ sources of continuing education, such is the quality and constancy of information he provides.

Simply by signing up for the newsletter one is treated to an incredible deluge of free evidence based education and is a must have resource for anybody in the health and fitness realm.

Rick you are doing an outstanding job, and I am so sincerely grateful for you and everything that you do.”

Sue Wassermann

“Wow, that was an in-depth exploration of the very complex shoulder anatomy and functions of each component. So far, I’ve listened to the presentation without having the slides. In order to get the most out of the presentation I’ll have to listen and look at the same time. Your Exercise Education Gifts gave me some great modifications I can use to tailor workouts to the issues presented by different clients. One I’ll have to review from time to time.”

Kevin Garnier – Personal Trainer, Pasadena Fitness, Pasadena, NL, USA

“I have viewed the video presentation for the Ultimate Training Guide for Cancer Survivors and can honestly say that I am impressed with the wealth of information provided.

Being a cancer survivor of 40 years this summer I can relate to many of the points made by the presenter. I’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt – as they say!

This program definitely affords a personal trainer the opportunity to better understand how a person with cancer would like to be treated and how to put together a suitable exercise program for his/her cancer client. Also, the information on cancer, types of treatment, side effects, etc., are all very helpful in helping the trainer to better understand and prepare for the cancer client.”

Kevin Garnier – Personal Trainer, Pasadena Fitness, Pasadena, NL, USA

“I conduct fitness classes for approximately forty senior citizens who range in age from 60 to 85. A number of these seniors are in the early stages of osteoporosis as diagnosed by their physician. Because of this I have to be aware of what they can and cannot do when it comes to exercise.

Your mini-course on “The Truth About Osteoporosis and Exercise” has served as a valuable refresher for information on lifestyle modification, recommended types of exercises for osteoporosis prevention and treatment and safety guidelines.

I have found the information to be educational and the list of resources provided with each section is a bonus.

Thanks for another comprehensive program!”

Kevin Garnier – Personal Trainer, Pasadena, NL, USA

“The information that you have provided in the Effective Rotator Cuff Exercises course is beyond my expectations. It has provided me with a very good comprehension of rotator cuff injuries and how to design an appropriate exercise program to deal with issues related to the various structures of the shoulder joint. Completion of this mini-course has given me added confidence when it comes to helping my clients overcome their RC injuries. The extensive number of exercises provided are well demonstrated and clearly explained.

The course is compact and the information is up-to-date. This program will now serve as my go-to resource for range of motion, flexibility and strengthening exercises for injuries to the rotator cuff.

Thank you for a great program!”

Kevin Garnier – Personal Trainer, Pasadena Fitness, Pasadena, NL, USA

“I had very little knowledge on how to address a client with scoliosis. Your Effective Exercises for Scoliosis course has presented me with the opportunity to gain a better understanding of scoliosis and how to design an appropriate exercise program using the most effective exercises. Like many of your other mini-courses, I find that this program is compact, educational, up-to-date and packed with tidbits of information that would have me spending many hours to search out similar information.

“Braced” with the information that you have provided I now feel better equipped to safely train clients with scoliosis. Thanks!”

John Mulry – Expect Success Fitness, Galway, IrelandJohn Mulry – Expect Success Fitness, Galway, Ireland

“First off Rick, thanks very much for your presentation. This was my first year at FBS12 but after an awesome weekend I can most definitely say it won’t be my last. Your presentation was both highly informative and very entertaining.

I really enjoyed how you shared your own story and how having that never say die attitude is key to success. Your story of how you persevere when things get tough, your strong belief in your ability to succeed and how not been afraid to pi** some people off really sat well with me because some people have questioned my motives for not only pursuing a career in fitness but even for travelling across to the U.S. for FBS. Well I say screw them because them two decisions have been two of the best in my life.

The biggest thing I got from your presentation was to find something in me that’s unique, something from my past successes and use that as the fire to power my future ones. Also your idea of celebrating each success no matter how great or small is something I’ll be adopting straight away. I’m just starting out in my fitness career and it is pretty daunting but after your presentation and the others at FBS12 I now know that I’m the one who will determine my success.

Thanks again Rick, hope to see you next year at FBS13.”

Bryan Bowen CPT

“I have been training for several years now. And in the last year since I purchased your Muscle Imbalances Revealed product, I have been able to implement many of the things discussed in these videos. They have been tremendously helpful for me. My clients have seen amazing results in recovery from injuries and dealing with day to day imbalances. I have become the “go to” guy for all things in this realm. So all of the trainers in my facility and their clients have benefited as well. Thanks for an outstanding product.”

Collette Hansen – ISSA certified CSCS from St. John’s NL, Canada

“Your Effective Exercises for Scoliosis course was like a light in a dark place. I live in Nanaimo, but made it to Victoria, and it was the best money I ever spent. It gave me a lot of knowledge to move ahead with rehabilitative training, and the progressions you demonstrated were fantastic. I did wind up over training, like you mentioned on your website that many people do and irritated things. But, I always knew what to return to, and that progression was a key.

The knowledge base I was given in your course has helped me always get going again (that program and a Paul Chek video were my treasured companions for 5 years of real struggle). After suffering a lot of set backs between 2003/4 to 2010, I have been getting my bearings back within the last few years. Then, I thought to look you up on Google and see what you were up to.

To see how far you have continued your education and scope of training is totally awesome. The world needs more people like you. Congratulations on all you’ve done and continue so far, and that you are celebrating it with a wonderful family is super great!

It’s a real privilege to get going and thank you so much for offering such high-quality, well-researched material at a price that even us poor folks can afford!”

Filippo Chini – Accountant, Florence, ItalyFilippo Chini – Accountant, Florence, Italy

“I purchased your Scapular Stabilization Webinar and Exercise Program for personal purpose. I am not a P.T. or a physiatrist. Since I started suffering from pain in my shoulder a year ago, I have been interested in the topic. X-Ray and Resonance were negative and I was told it probably depended on posture. I realized that my fitness training program was not going to work without seriously working on posture too.

There were very few professionals who focus on Scapula. After reading your webinar, I had the key to totally revise my way of training my upper body. The exercises you propose are relatively simple and effective.

I think it could be a great work for fitness folk too, not only for preventing injuries but also for building a harmonious body. Now I pay attention during my exercises on my scapula position and I can feel the difference. I can tell that a lot of people around me would need help to recognize their scapula deficiencies.”

Rick Lionello – Personal Trainer specializing in Corrective Exercise and Senior Fitness, Missoula, Montana, USARick Lionello – Personal Trainer specializing in Corrective Exercise and Senior Fitness, Missoula, Montana, USA

“I will incorporate all assessments and shoulder stability exercises immediately with all my clients.

The Bodyweight Corrective Exercises course contains excellent cueing techniques and great assessments as well as provides deeper understanding of human anatomy.

Loved all the progressions/regressions. I also liked the fact that I could print out the e-book for reference and that it is broken down by body part. Very handy!”

Collette Hansen – ISSA certified CSCS from St. John’s, NL, Canada

“Thank you for all the education gifts! You have a great sense of how to convey information in a no-nonsense sort of way, and yet with great intellect and insight. At present, my life has become overwhelmingly busy with family matters, but I will be working through my Scoliosis workbook and tuning in to your current emails/website as often as possible. My primarily goal is the self-assimilation and implementation of the knowledge conveyed through your courses, but I also look forward to sharing what I’ve learned with family and friends at work.” Many thanks!

Chris Murphy

“Thank you for the Exercise Education Gifts. As a trainer, I’m always looking for ways to expand my knowledge to help my clients. I found each gift to be useful in it’s own way.” Thanks again.

Evan Paradiso

“The best thing about the Shoulder Pain Solved Program is it focuses on multiple areas of the shoulder for creating a fully functional shoulder. I would describe it as an all inclusive shoulder program that targets the many different needs of the shoulder in an organized and methodical manner.”

Alex Rosencutter, NSCA-CPT – Strength Coach/Personal Trainer, Rosencutter Ultra Fitness & Performance, Wisconsin Athletic Club-Downtown Milwaukee

“The difference in knowledge gained from MIR is night and day when helping to improve clients’ lives. MIR is the GOLD STANDARD for assessing athletes or the average client in order to make them stronger, faster, or get rid of a nagging injury. Helping trainers and coaches everywhere evolve to another level.” Thank you.

Jennifer Beaudette – San Diego, CA, USA

“Thank you for creating practical, informative, and engaging products.” Best wishes.

Krystele Charles – RMT,C.K., BHK, S.I.T.

“There are a few things I liked about the Sacroiliac Pain Solution Program, I could not just pick one and label it the best. I liked how you gave very detailed exercises for this particular condition. I am a registered massage therapist and a certified kinesiologist and found this information to be very valuable as I have one client that is currently dealing with SI joint pain. The physio and I can collaborate on exercises to do with the client and I am able to mention exercises that I have taken away from your program. Another interesting point I liked about the program was when you mentioned the “X factor” how the lats and glutes are often overactive which is exactly what I found in this client. I have described your video presentation as very informative and useful. There is an outside the box approach you bring to the presentation which challenges the way I look at SI joint pain and I am sure makes others consider what they are doing for SI joint pain in terms of exercises.” Yours Truly.

Natan Cheifetz – Chief Instructor

“Very informative presentation…The best thing about the Meniscus Tear Solution Program is it provides good background information and a wealth of information on the injury, as well as how to work towards recovery. I also very much like that you provide references that facilitate further research. This is a very thorough and comprehensive presentation describing the meniscus injury that would be a great resource for an individual that experienced such an injury.” All the best.

Leighann MollLeighann Moll

“The Meniscus Tear Solution Program is very thorough and doesn’t move at too gas a pace to grasp. I was looking for specifics on how to work with individuals suffering or recovering from a meniscus tear. I have already recommended this presentation to several friends in the industry. Thanks!”

Sharon Simuic

“As a Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer, my work is not always in a gym or a weight room with lots of equipment. Because of this, the best thing for me in this Meniscus Tear Solution program is that I don’t need any fancy equipment. It also gives many levels of difficulty. I work with the older adult and a number of my people might not be able to do much more than level 1 or maybe level 2. I am always seeking new ideas in order to help them improve. I would tell other instructors and personal trainers that they could learn some additional ways to benefit their clients. I would further tell them that I think this is one of your best programs that I have seen. Keep up the good work.” Thank you.

Russell D. Hinds, MA, ATC, PES

“The best thing about the Shin Splints Solved program is the definition of and explanation of why shin splints occur with focus on current research. The way I would describe the DVD to others would be that it is an excellent overview of what “shin splints”, and a through progression on management and even prevention of this condition.”

Juri Krainjukov

“The thing I liked best about the Sacroiliac Pain Solution Program, like with all your programs, are the exercises. Not too many, not trying to fix everything, just exactly to the point.”

Taylor-Kevin Isaacs – Co-Founder/Director and Chief Clinical Exercise Physiologist/Kinesiologist, Northridge, CA, USATaylor-Kevin Isaacs – Co-Founder/Director and Chief Clinical Exercise Physiologist/Kinesiologist, Northridge, CA, USA

“The best things about the Sacroiliac Pain Solution Program are the clear clinical reasoning about it, the appropriate Progressions and Regressions, and the abundance of references and resources that are found in the program. It completely, correctly, and intelligently addresses the how to speed up recovery from and SI joint injury. I like the realistic level of expectation that to begin to see long lasting results one must have a committed, dedicated, and long-term attitude towards performing the exercises described and demonstrated in this program.”

Grant Holden

“The best thing about the Core Stability of the Hip program is that it is progressive and shows you how to target the problem from all the necessary angles. I would describe the video and program as the most comprehensive solutions for hip pain I have come across and I have been looking for a year plus have had many sessions with various physiotherapists – I have no doubt it will work! Thank you so much for your clear and concise programs, they are really making a huge difference to me.”

Nikola Ikonic

“The best thing about Meniscus Tear Solution Program for me, as a person who has had meniscus surgery and with some knowledge of rehab (and who has rehabbed his injury to some extent all by him self, I am no fitness professional), is variety of exercises combined with gradual improvement. I have seen majority of these exercises, but I must admit that I haven’t seen some and will practice them in the future. Anatomy part of presentation is important and I liked it. To a person with no knowledge, I would explain what it gets: Anatomy description of knee and lots of exercises that really do work and give ideas at which perspective/angles he could exercise/rehab his leg.” All the best.

Richard Dutro

“The best thing about the Sacroiliac Pain Solution Program is the massage techniques using the roller, ball, etc. The video presentation was good. The demonstrations of the gluteal and piriformis stretches as well as the isometric exercises show how to alleviate SI joint pain while strengthening those muscles. I liked how alternatives were given for cheaper massage products.” Thank you.

Steve Emery

“The best thing about Plantar Fasciitis Exercise Program is the Rapid Stretch. I would describe this program as simple and gently progressive.”

April Larson – Amarillo, Texas, USA

“I really like the downloadable print outs. There are a lot of exercises, so it’s nice to have the print outs in front of me every day instead of trying to rely on my faulty memory. It’s nice that there are pictures to go along with the descriptions, too. The video presentation was pretty much like being there. I’ve been doing the exercises and I do think they help. Thanks so much for putting this Sacroiliac Pain Solution Program out there.”

Darren Thompson – Massage Therapist High Performance Personal Trainer Bootcamp Operator, Victoria Korrumburra, AustraliaDarren Thompson – Massage Therapist High Performance Personal Trainer Bootcamp Operator, Victoria Korrumburra, Australia

“The thing I loved about the Frozen Shoulder Solution Program was the simple step by step exercise prescriptions. It’s easy to follow, easy language, step by step program that covers everything for frozen shoulder from history, facts, to detailed exercise prescription with sets, reps and frequency.” Cheers!

Anna Haltrecht – Feldenkrais® Practitioner, Bones and Walk for Life® Trainer, Pilates & Dance Teacher, Salt Spring Island, BCAnna Haltrecht – Feldenkrais® Practitioner, Bones and Walk for Life® Trainer, Pilates & Dance Teacher, Salt Spring Island, BC

“I am getting benefit from your Ankle Sprain Solved which I recently purchased because I had sprained my ankle at the end of November & during the time I was healing, I re-injured it 2x. I know a lot of exercises myself from all my movement training, however I find it helpful to add your very concrete approach to my practice. I especially like the wobble board exercise, discovered that a cast off oak toilet seat & a rock make a great one! I also really like the isometric exercises. The presentation is well laid out and the exercises are easy to decipher. Rick goes through a clear set of exercises that teach you to move through all planes of movement of the ankle. He adds in large body movements that help to organize your whole self to become more confident in your everyday activities after an ankle sprain injury, and to prepare you to move back into your chosen sport. He starts you off simply with some hands on gentle manipulations & in the end has you on a wobble board & jumping. I am finding that I can easily integrate the exercises into my chosen sport,
dance. Thank you, Happy New Year”

Cindy Adison – Instructor of Yoga, Pilates Mat, PNF Stretching, BCRPA CertifiedCindy Adison – Instructor of Yoga, Pilates Mat, PNF Stretching, BCRPA Certified

Trigger Point Solution was well put together. Conner is well spoken and knowledgeable. Trigger Point Solution is a low cost introduction to Trigger Point relief with easy cues on how to implement the knowledge.”


Josh Kahn – Independent Personal Trainer / Sessional Kinesiology Lecturer at the University of TorontoJosh Kahn – Independent Personal Trainer / Sessional Kinesiology Lecturer at the University of Toronto

Trigger Point Solution is an easy to follow knowledge system designed to help any individual improve mechanical body functioning Trigger Point Solution has great information and videos/handouts.”

Craig Adams – Software Engineer, Palmyra, Virginia, USA

Tennis Elbow Pain Solution is a comprehensive program designed to provide a theoretic understanding of elbow issues along with a practical how to including video, audio and written PDF documents. The exercises to recover from elbow issues are included which is where the most benefit is reaped.”

Darren Thompson – Massage Therapist, High Performance Personal Trainer, Bootcamp Operator, Victoria Korrumburra, AustraliaDarren Thompson – Massage Therapist, High Performance Personal Trainer, Bootcamp Operator, Victoria Korrumburra, Australia

“I am very busy and sometimes time poor to design an exercise program for my rehab clients. This Knee Injury Solution product has enabled me to prescribe a quality program with minimum fuss. It’s comprehensive, easy to follow presentation with load of information.”

Mohamed Kassim – Physiotherapist and Orthopaedic Manual Therapist, Bandar Seri Begawan, BruneiMohamed Kassim – Physiotherapist and Orthopaedic Manual Therapist, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

“I bought the Knee Injury Solution pack from Exercises for Injuries website after various searches in the Internet. I work with knee injury patients and I needed a comprehensive exercise program for them. Knee Injury Solution was a solution for my patients. I have been following Ricks website for sometime now and he has never failed to deliver the requirements of a rehab professional like me. The text and the videos were beneficial and what made the highlights is the exercise program sheet which can be given as Home Exercise Program (my patients really liked that one). The video recordings were clear and showed the exercises in various angles making it easy to understand and perform the exercises correctly. I will definitely recommend Knee Injury Solution to my colleagues in the rehabilitation field to improve our skills in providing correct and precise exercises to our clients.”

John E. Moseley – Inside Sales at Roofers Mart Southeast, Inc., Hoover, AL, USA

“With Fixing Elbow Pain, I can do my workout with less pain. It is a series of stretches & exercises that you can do to add strength & flexibility to tendons in the arm that help alleviate tennis elbow pain.”

Wes Oblander – College Admissions Representative, Las Vegas, NV, USAWes Oblander – College Admissions Representative, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Fixing Elbow Pain program helps my elbows to feel much better after just over a week, and thus has allowed me to see some strength returned in key grip/wrist/forearm exercises. I would describe Fixing Elbow Pain as a professional, integrated program designed to treat and correct tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow and similar ailments. I would add that it is can be easily done, at home, with a variety of implements commonly found around the house and only takes a few minutes to complete.”

Michael W. Keegan

“The best thing thing about the Knee Replacement Handbook is that there is one until now, I have not been able to find a comprehensive one-stop-shop for knee replacement exercises. I like that the exercises are detailed and can be individualized based on the patients needs. I like the videos and the single picture shots and descriptions. I would describe the information presented in the Knee Replacement Handbook (both video and exercise program) as absolutely essential to anyone contemplating knee replacement surgery or who is recovering from a knee replacement. The exercises and videos give detailed information and common sense guidance on exercises. In closing, overall you have done an excellent job and a great service to those of us who wish to regain the use of our legs to live life and enjoy the reason that we had knee replacement surgery in the first place.” Gratefully.

Frank Kajda – Port Coquitlam, CanadaFrank Kajda – Port Coquitlam, Canada

“Having had both of my knees replaced, I know the benefit of a good program to follow. Having had some other health issues as well, I found myself in a place where I had stopped doing the exercises and routines that had been so beneficial initially. Having gotten your Knee Replacement Handbook program, I now have a program and or certain exercises to do to regain the foundation for keeping my knees and legs strong. Thank you. It is a very beneficial program.”

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