Hormonal Imbalance And Weight Loss

Hormonal Imbalance & Weight Loss Thumbnail

So many factors affect one’s weight, and one of these factors is hormones. Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers, signaling molecules involved in many aspects of your health, including sexual function, growth and development, mood, appetite, and metabolism. Moreover, one’s weight needs a delicate balance of these hormones. But if those hormones affecting weight are eccentric, weight gain usually kicks in. Let’s get digging into the Hormonal Imbalance Treatment.

To get rid of extra weight, we should understand the complexity of these hormones. And understanding the relationship between hormones and weight deeply, proper steps to balance these hormones and lose weight can be achieved healthily and sustainably!

Hormones Affecting Weight

About 50 identified hormones are currently present in the human body, and the following hormones are directly related to weight loss/gain. 

  • Insulin

Insulin is produced in the pancreas, and it regulates carbohydrates and fat metabolism. Insulin is important in ensuring that energy is available for daily bodily functions and in maintaining normal glucose levels in the blood by stimulating glucose (sugar) uptake from the blood in tissues such as muscles, the liver, and fat. 

Hormonal Imbalance Treatment-Insulin

When a person is obese, insulin signals are sometimes lost, and tissues can no longer control glucose levels. This can certainly lead to the development of type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

  • Leptin

Fat Cells produce leptin. This hormone is responsible for a person’s appetite by reducing it. Moreover, leptin acts on specific centers of the human brain to reduce the urge to eat. In addition, this hormone seems to control how the body manages its store of body fat, so you need Hormonal Imbalance Treatment. 

  • Growth Hormones

The pituitary gland in our brain produces growth hormones that influence a person’s height and help build bone and muscle. Growth hormone also affects metabolism (the rate at which we burn kilojoules for energy). Researchers have found that growth hormone levels in people who are obese are lower than in people of normal weight.

  • Sex Hormones

These are produced by the ovaries in premenopausal women. Estrogens and androgens are two sex hormones responsible for body fat distribution. Body fat distribution plays an important role in developing obesity-related conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and some forms of arthritis. Fat around our abdomen is a higher risk factor for disease than fat stored on our bottom, hips, and thighs. These hormones are also responsible for pushing ovulation in every menstrual cycle.

As we grow older, the changes in the sex hormone levels of both men and women are linked with changes in body fat distribution. Also, Childbearing-age women store fat in their lower body (pear-shaped), and older men and postmenopausal women tend to increase the storage of fat around their abdomen (‘apple-shaped’). Moreover, postmenopausal women taking estrogen supplements don’t collect fat around their abdomen. Studies on animals also show that a lack of estrogen leads to too much weight gain. With this, you need Hormonal Imbalance Treatment.

  • Thyroid Hormone (T3 and T4)

The thyroid sends out these hormones, which are responsible for regulating metabolism.

An overactive thyroid gland releases too much thyroid hormone. When the body has too much thyroid hormone, it burns more calories, which is known as Hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism will then result in weight loss. On the other hand, when the thyroid gland releases too little thyroid hormone, this leads to low er calorie intake. The condition is known as Hypothyroidism, which will result in weight gain.

Causes Of Hormonal Imbalance

Naturally, your hormones would rise or fall throughout the day. Many possible causes can affect which hormones or glands are affected, leading to your hormonal imbalance. But the following factors cause more dramatic changes in your body’s hormones.

  • Puberty
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause 
  • Stress
  • Some medications
  • Steroid use

Treatment And Management

The treatment of hormonal imbalance depends on what is causing it. But the following are general instructions to balance your hormones naturally. Usually, it only takes small and simple lifestyle changes to restore proper levels of hormones in the body. Here are some ways to naturally balance your hormones. 

1. Exercise

Hormonal Imbalance Treatment-Exercise

Regular physical activity fully influences hormonal health as it improves hormone receptor sensitivity. This Hormonal Imbalance Treatment helps the delivery of nutrients and hormone signals.

2. Maintain weight

Hormonal Imbalance Treatment-Maintain Weight

Eat only within your calorie range to help maintain hormonal balance because weight gain is directly linked with hormonal imbalances.

3. Get Enough Protein

Get Enough Protein

The body produces peptide hormones with the assistance of amino acids from proteins that it cannot produce on its own. These peptide hormones regulate several physiological processes, including growth, energy metabolism, interest in eating, stress, and more. 

4. Less Sugar

Less Sugar

Minimal sugar intake is a Hormonal Imbalance Treatment that helps balance hormones. Excessive sugar intake can promote insulin resistance, and more intake of fructose can disrupt gut health, leading to hormonal imbalances.

5. Gut Health

Gut Health

Your gut produces numerous metabolites that can affect hormone health. 

6. Choose Healthy Fats

Choose Healthy Fats

Healthy fat intake can maintain estimated hormones involved with interest in eating, metabolism, and feeling full.

7. Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress

Stress can significantly harm the body’s hormones in many ways. Work to lower and manage your daily stress

8. Sleep Well

Sleep Well

Sleep quality can affect the rise and fall of hormones throughout the day, as sleep is one of the most important factors in hormonal imbalance. 

9. Eat A Lot Of Fiber

Eat a lot of fiber

Fiber plays a role in gut health, helping control hormones like insulin. 

These Hormonal Imbalance Treatments are natural ways that can significantly affect your overall health, including hormonal health. But speaking with a healthcare professional is important if you believe your hormones may not be healthy. Pursuing a healthy diet, putting sleep first, and working out regularly may benefit your overall health and reduce your risk of chronic disease.

On the other hand, there are also available treatment options which include the following:

  • Estrogen therapy
  • Vaginal estrogen
  • Hormonal birth control
  • Anti-androgen medications
  • Testosterone therapy
  • Thyroid hormone therapy
  • Metformin


As stated, hormones are responsible for many of your body’s major activities, and a not balanced hormone will lead to different symptoms as this will cause various complications. Talk to your doctor if you notice changes in your energy levels or body; this is one step to treating hormonal imbalances.

Discover how to balance your hormones naturally and quickly with our 14-Day Hormone Balancing Quick Start Program!

Hormone Balancing Quick Start Program