3 Plate Exercises to Help Save Your Hips

3 Plate Exercises to Help Save Your Hips

In this video, I wanted to go through the 3 Plate Exercises that will help save your hips.

Having strong hips helps out the back and knees when it comes to injury recovery, injury prevention, better movement and increased performance.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

#1 – Plated Hip Bridge Exercise

Place a weight plate on your hips and hold in place with your hands. Drop the hips and then raise hips up until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

Plated Hip Bridge Exercise

Plated Hip Bridge Exercise 

Perform  5 or 10 repetitions. This will strengthen the gluteus maximus, hamstrings and the hip area.

#2 – Weight Plate Bench Squat

Squat down then thrust the weight plate forward with your arms, keeping your arms extended. Rise from your squat and pull the weight plate back down and repeat.

Weight Plate Bench Squat

Weight Plate Bench Squat

Perform  5 or 10 repetitions. This will strengthen the glutes, hamstrings and quads.

#3 – Weight Plate Single Leg Squat

Squat with one leg and hold the weight on the opposite side. Squat down as far as possible while keeping one leg elevated off of the floor. Raise the body back up to original position and repeat. Continue with the opposite leg. Perform 5 or 10 repetitions.

Weight Plate Single Leg Squat (Left Leg)

Weight Plate Single Leg Squat

This exercise challenges the hip, the knee, and the core more. It is a good balance exercise and a good hip stability exercise.

Before I head off, if you are looking for a program to help you save your hip, then check out Unlock Your Hip Flexors:

Unlock Your Hip Flexors

Rick Kaselj, MS
