Back Safe Workout Finisher With Mike Whitfield

Back Safe Workout Finisher with Mike Whitfield

While in Las Vegas last weekend, Mike Whitfield took me through a sample Workout Finisher. It was 6 am Saturday, and we went in front of the Aria hotel. We did get a few funny looks from people heading to bed, but oh well. Here is the Back Safe Workout Finisher from Mike Whitfield.

~ Rick

Mike Whitfield and I are outside, it’s like six in the morning in Las Vegas, and we are going to go through an example of a Back Safe Workout Finisher. I will get Mike to introduce himself and talk a little bit about Finishers, and then he will take me through a sample of a finisher you can do that is safe for your back.

Mike Whitfield: Very cool. You are warming up, right? Well, a finisher is just a great way to replace cardio. Typically, we go to the gym, and we do our 5 to 10 minutes warm-up.

Here’s where everybody does the same thing over and over. We get on the treadmill, and we do our steady-state cardio. Then we go into the string sessions, whether it’s a split or full-body workout.

What I would do with my clients is replace that cardio with a finisher. It is more fun and spreads the energy in the entire body compared to just the legs. It is a great way to add a whole new dynamic to your workout, plus it is shorter, anywhere between 3 to 10 minutes.

This Back Safe Workout Finisher is only 3 minutes; it’s a density style. Density means that you will do as many rounds as possible within 3 minutes. And here’s the cool part: each exercise is just two reps each, giving you a whole new rep and setting the scheme to challenge yourself.

What you will do is:

  • two jump squats
  • two push-ups
  • two skater hops on each side

Just do as many rounds as possible as you can in 3 minutes. Rick here has volunteered to do one circuit for you.

The first thing he will do is Jump Squat.

And then we will go right into the Push-Ups.

Back Safe Workout Finisher

And then, we will do the Skater Hops for two reps.

Back Safe Workout Finisher

That’s it; you just do it. As I said, you do two reps for each exercise, and you just run through that as many times as possible in 3 minutes.

Now let me warn you, this one looks easy, but once you get going for about 20 to 30 seconds, you will soon change your mind.

Rick Kaselj: And if you have any issues when it comes to the jump squat, Mike and I have got another video of the safe way of doing a jump squat if a jump squat is difficult for you, for your knees, or your back.

Mike, where can people get more information about you?

Mike Whitfield: Sure thing, you can go and check my finishers at

Rick Kaselj: Awesome. So thank you very much this is Rick Kaselj from Make sure you head to and enter in your injury or pain; there’s a good chance that I have a video, an article, or an interview that will help you out.

Secondly, if you are watching this on YouTube, head up above and hit subscribe, and what that will do is every couple of days, you will end up getting a video from me, or an interview from myself where I talk about injury or pain or you will end up getting a guest video from one of my friends in the fitness world.

Lastly, head down below and hit LIKE and leave Mike and me a question and we will get back to you. This is Rick Kaselj from and Mike Whitfield from saying take care and bye-bye.

Rick Kaselj, M.S

Advanced Gluteus Maximus Exercises