Groin pain can be felt where the abdomen ends and the legs start. It can also be referred to as lower abdominal pain, genital pain, or perineal pain. Most commonly, groin pain is caused by a muscle, tendon, or ligament strain. Other causes also include inguinal hernia, prostatitis, epididymitis, or disease or injury to the joint. Moreover, Less common causes of groin pain include hip osteoarthritis, pinched nerves, swollen inguinal lymph nodes, ovarian cysts, urinary tract infections (UTI), intestinal inflammation, and orchitis. Generally, treatment for this also depends on what causes it, but it usually involves home care remedies, rest, and exercises. Let us know more Groin Pain Stretches to help you relieve your groin pain.
Home Remedies
Groin pain treatment and stretches vary depending on the injury and its severity. Below are some recommended home care remedies and exercises to treat groin pain.
Taking a rest if you have mild to moderate groin pain will give injured tissue a chance to begin to heal. Some groin injuries can heal on their own.
If inflammation and swelling are present, ice is recommended. Ice relieves most types of stiffness by reducing local inflammation. Place it on the painful area for 10-15 minutes in a circular motion at least 3-4 times daily or until the swelling is gone.
Compression helps reduce swelling and prevent re-injury. You can wrap your thigh or groin area using elastic bandages, compression garments, or athletic tapes. However, in some cases, a medical professional is recommended to do this instead of the patient.
This can help reduce swelling and increase the healing process of your groin. Try to elevate the groin area above the level of the heart using a pillow or bolster for a few hours each day.
Exercise such as isometric stretching and strengthening can improve hip flexibility, increase your leg muscles’ range of motion and increase circulation to your groin. Here are some Groin Pain Stretches:
1. Leg Swings
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and arms on your hips. Then, raise your right foot off the ground while keeping your weight on the other foot and keep your balance. You can also hold onto a table or chair for support. After that, swing your right leg forward and back behind you in one movement. This is one repetition.
Furthermore, gradually pick up the pace and increase the range of motion as you perform this. Then, complete 10 repetitions, 1 set. Lastly, repeat on the opposite leg.
2. Gate Stretches
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and arms on your hips. Now raise your right foot off the ground while keeping your weight on the other foot and balance. You can also hold onto a table or chair for support. Then raise your right knee until hip level and turn it on your side open and away from your body until you feel a gentle stretch on your groin. Afterward, bring your right knee back, reversing the procedure to return to the starting position. This is one repetition. Complete 10 repetitions, 1 set. Finally, repeat on the opposite leg.
3. Crossover Stretch
To begin this Groin Pain Stretches, stand with your feet hip-width apart and arms on your hips. Step to the left using your left foot, then swing your right foot in front of your left leg. Then take a step to the left using your left foot again and repeat the procedure. Complete your desired repetition. Lastly, repeat in the opposite direction.
4. Lunge Stretch
Take a wide stance with your feet turned out on the side at a 45-degree angle. Now bend your left knee to the side and slightly lunge to straighten the right leg. Then straighten your left knee, bend on the opposite knee, and repeat the procedure. Complete 10 repetitions, 1 set.
5. Butterfly Stretch
For this Groin Pain Stretches, sit on the and bring the soles of your feet together and drop your knees out to the sides. Now put your hands around your ankles and ensure your spine is aligned straight. Then slowly hinge your upper body forward at the hips and use your elbows to carefully press the knees apart until you feel a gentle stretch. Hold this position for 30 seconds before relaxing and releasing the hold. Complete 3-5 repetitions, 1 set.
In some cases, severe and chronic groin injuries, such as hernias, can be treated with surgery to repair them. Athletes with this kind of injury usually need time away from playing sports.
With proper care and treatment, groin injuries usually heal and can heal independently. However, it may take a long time, depending on the injury and its severity. Consult a doctor for the best course of treatment or if you are experiencing severe symptoms.
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