How To Have The Best Workout Of Your Life With Dan Go

Today, I have a video interview with Dan Go. Dan, and I chat about “How to Have the Best Workout of Your Life.”

Enjoy the interview.

~ Rick

Rick Kaselj: I’m here with another interview for you. And based on the feedback you gave me a couple of weeks ago. When I sent you a survey, you wanted more videos. I have done more videos; hopefully, you’ve seen the increase on and the EFI YouTube channel when it comes to videos. Now I am trying to do more of these video interviews. Here is another one for you.

Today, I have an interview with Dan Go. He is going to talk about something that is missing in a lot of people’s programs [¹]. That’s going to end up helping them with their results.

So, Dan, I’ll get you to introduce yourself to the viewers or listeners.

Dan Go: Awesome. My name is Dan Go. Thanks very much for that introduction, Rick. Like I do, I own a transformation center in Markham, Ontario. And I help people get in the best shape of their lives, but also help them feel good. I think what we will talk about today is one of the most overlooked aspects of anyone’s workout.

Rick Kaselj: You and I have known each other; how many years has it been? I guess since 2010, at least.

Dan Go: It’s been too long. Maybe I think it’s been like 3 to 4 years. I think we met in Vegas. I remember clearly. The day it was in one of the meeting rooms at one of the Mastermind meetings. I met you, and you were the coolest. You are the first cool dude that made me feel welcome in the group. That was like my first impression of you, Rick. You always wonder how Rick is in person and if anybody is watching. He is way more awesome in person than he is online.

Peak Performance Formula

Rick Kaselj: Okay, I know you have a facility around Toronto, and something that you have been doing with your clients of late is something that you called Peak Performance Formula. Maybe you can explain what that Peak Performance Formula is?

Dan Go: The Peak Performance Formula is what I get my clients to do before their workouts. What we don’t realize is while you are watching this. I am going to guess that you are probably sitting down at this point. I will say that this is probably not the first minute you have been sitting down. You have probably been sitting down progressively for the past hour or the past two hours. And a study just came out that shows, to the British Journal of Medicine [²]. Shows that people are sitting on average for about 9 hours a day.

We don’t take into account the fact that we sleep as well. That’s another 6 to 8 hours spent on our backs in a passive position. So essentially, what happens is like I think you talk about this a lot in your exercise for injuries with your community. And the fact that posture relates directly to performance in every single way.

They may have the body of a teenager, but they will end up with the movement patterns of an 80-year-old man who just had hip surgery. So the whole idea of the Peak Performance Formula is when people go and read about it, they may think that when they are doing this Peak Performance Formula, they are almost like injecting, almost like I am going to say a performance-enhancing drug, into their body.

They are all exercises, but it’s almost like they are taking some performance-enhancing exercise to achieve the best workout of your life. Essentially, what we are doing with the Peak Performance Formula is bringing the body back to the way it was meant to work in the first place.

This Particular Formula Will:

And what people like is the fact that it heals your old injuries and also it protects you from new ones as well.

How Does Peak Performance Formula Work?

Rick Kaselj: So, looking at your clients, how do you incorporate this Peak Performance Formula into your clients’ workouts or training sessions?

Dan Go: Well, we always have some downtime before the training session starts. What happens is that we take the first 15 minutes, give them the program to do right before we start the actual workout, and that’s what they do. They use those 15 minutes to prepare their body for the best workout of your life and the intense circuit training workout we will put them through.

  1. We do essentially in the Peak Performance Formula to get them to roll and do Self-Myofascial Release; that’s that first thing. They must massage their bodies and ensure that the fascial tissues are of good quality before they do the workout.

  2. The second thing is that they almost have to wake up their nervous system and increase the flow of synovial fluid into their bodies, and we do this to the neuromuscular activators.

  3. The third step, which builds upon the first and second, is to do the Dynamic Mobility Exercises. And dynamic mobility exercises essentially bring your body back in balance and activate just core muscles that have been put to sleep by the passive nature of today’s workplace.

Neuromuscular Activation

Rick Kaselj: Okay. Maybe you can expand a little bit more on the neuromuscular activation part of things. There ends up being these three parts to the Peak Performance Formula.

Dan Go: The neuromuscular activation side of things is almost like a key to the ignition. When you are starting with any physical activity whatsoever, a lot of people will jump on the treadmill and do a couple of static stretches and feel that they are ready for the workout, but essentially what they have to do is they have to take a full-on body approach to wake up their nervous system.

I mean, that’s essentially it. They have to do full-body exercises that almost actually build upon the third step, the exercise that we see that we do or things like jumping jacks, things like seal jumps. Now with jumping jacks, what you are doing is you are doing a full-body movement that can lead to the best workout of your life.

Still, you are also kind of developing a little more mobility right at the lats and right at the shoulders every time you raise your arms, and this sets the stage for the dynamic mobility part.

Also, for neuromuscular activators, if you ever do any cardiovascular exercise right before the best workout of your life, you will realize that you get a little bit of sweat and feel a little bit more pliable. What you are thinking is, oh, I am sweating, so that must mean that I am ready for my workout, but it is not necessarily that.

What gets you ready for your workout and makes you feel prime is that you are releasing this little fluid called synovial fluid into your body through the full-body workout and the neuromuscular activator.

The synovial fluid essentially detoxifies your body. In addition, it detoxifies your limb system, but also what they do is act as a lubricant for your muscle joints. Once you realize that, you know it’s almost like maintenance in your body.

For example, many people take their bodies into the mechanic shop for oil changes or whatnot, and what they do with the neuromuscular activators is like getting their bodies almost like an oil change a little bit, ultimately setting you up for the best workout of your life.

It Has Like Two Functions:

1) To wake up the nervous system.
2) To lubricate their joints to ensure they are ready for the workouts.

Take care and bye-bye.

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. – I will come up with Part 2 of the interview soon.

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1.Lawson, H. A. (2005). Empowering people, facilitating community development, and contributing to sustainable development: The social work of sport, exercise, and physical education programs. Sport Education and Society, 10(1), 135–160.

2. Gardner, M. J., & Bond, J. (1990). An Exploratory Study of Statistical Assessment of Papers Published in the British Medical Journal. JAMA, 263(10), 1355.