3 Lessons from San Diego

Hello there! Welcome to what will be my 20th video in San Diego.

I’ve already shared the other 19 interviews I conducted with members of the fitness mastermind group I’m about to join. We eventually agreed to get together thrice a year in San Diego, Miami, and Las Vegas.

I wanted to make a video where I discussed the three lessons I took away from my time in San Diego.

This may be our tenth meeting, I think. And now, for the highlights of the conference, many of which I believe you can apply to even if your profession is unrelated to fitness.

Have a watch and let me know if this sucks or is good:

3 Important Lessons from San Diego

1. It’s nice to get away from your regular environment

I reside in Canada’s Vancouver. It’s good for me to go outside of my normal surroundings—Vancouver, my house, and my job—go somewhere else, and reflect on funding, the work I do, my life, and the course I’m doing. In a different setting, that is much simpler to accomplish. As a result, if you have the opportunity to travel to another region, I strongly advise that you do so.

3 Lessons from San Diego

Going abroad or moving three states away isn’t required as long as you’re getting away from your usual environment and thinking about your life. Look at your current situation and the direction you desire to take.

When I’m here, I have the time to think back on the job I ultimately completed, my workouts and injuries, and the direction I want my work to go further. More importantly, I think about the things I should overlook and divert my attention from. Including the things I must concentrate on and the actions I must take to accomplish them.

3 Lessons from San Diego

2. It’s learning from different professions

The second item is this. I’ve become a fan of this in the past year or two.

We end up with a wide range of people in this fitness mastermind group, and you’ve seen insightful interviews with some of them. Dan Long, a personal trainer, specializing in suspension training, was also there.

I eventually interviewed Dr. John, a pain physician, and we discussed painkillers.

Additionally, I ended up speaking with Mike Whitfield, who runs a fitness program that will improve your outcomes in terms of fat loss.

Sherry, a massage therapist, gave us advice on conducting a self-assessment that you can either do yourself or have your clients do to understand their problems during naps better.

Moreover, we discussed the importance of regressions with a significant individual.professionals

Attending these fitness mastermind meetings and learning from others with various specialties is something I truly like doing. Many of us are in the fitness industry, but we each have a different area of skill and concentration. Advantageously, we can gain knowledge from these other professions as well. I discovered what they do because of our conversations with them throughout lunch, supper, and breaks.

3. To get into a very positive and highly energetic environment

This is what I find to be incredibly nice. I discovered that my group has a positive, energized atmosphere.

Another instance I can give you is the moment two weeks ago when I hosted Dan John, a legend in the area of strength and conditioning. He specializes in training athletes to increase performance, making him a true legend in that field. His traveling from Salt Lake City to Vancouver to address 25 to 30 fitness professionals was fantastic.

box jump

There was a wide mix of people present, and I was struck by their optimistic attitudes toward their work, assistance, and the industry’s future. Plus, it was incredibly fun to see how the other participants were while taking the course. They are kinesiologists, personal trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, university professors, and fitness experts. 

Being a part of that short course and being in such a good environment was awesome because there was so much negativity around us, tearing us apart. It diverts us from our intended course and slows us down.

These are the three lessons I learned from attending this fitness mastermind meeting in San Diego, so there you have it. I hope these also help you gain some insight.

Rick Kaselj, MS

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