How to Attract and Not Repel Baby Boomer Clients to Your Fitness Business with Dan Ritchie

How to Attract and Not Repel Baby Boomer Clients to Your Fitness Business with Dan Ritchie

Another interview for you. It is an interview with Dr. Dan M. Ritchie on How to Attract and Not Repel Baby Boomer Clients to Your Fitness Business. The focus is on the business side of fitness.

I was talking to Dan about his business when I was in California last month. He explained how his company has changed. He started a gym for everyone, then shifted that business to focusing on baby boomers.

In the interview, he shares why he shifted his gym to focus on baby boomers, steps to make your business more appealing, and the opportunity to focus on baby boomers in your fitness business.

Okay, let’s get to the interview. Enjoy the interview!

CLICK HERE to listen to the interview with Dr. Dan M. Ritchie.

CLICK HERE to listen to the interview with Dr. Dan M Ritchie

In the Interview with Dan Ritchie on How to Attract and Not Repel Baby Boomer Clients to Your Fitness Business, he shares with you:

  • The common mistakes of fitness professionals in marketing to baby boomers
  • How baby boomers are approaching retirement differently than past generations
  • Why have baby boomers been the leading group that has driven our economy
  • Why six-pack abs and fat loss are not the focus of most baby boomers and what they are looking for
  • How ample the opportunity for fitness professionals to work with baby boomers is
  • Baby boomers are looking for results training but not measured by the weight scale
  • What can fitness professionals do to make their fitness business more appealing to baby boomers?
  • What groups can you train with baby boomers, and what groups can you not train with?
  • The advantages of having educational experiences and specializations in attracting baby boomer clients.
  • How he ended up focusing on personal fitness training with Baby Boomers
  • He views Title IX, how it affected baby boomer females and its effect on the fitness industry.
  • What kind of marketing do baby boomers respond well to, and which methods do not work
  • Where the fitness industry is shifting in the future
  • Importance of understanding the needs of your primary and secondary market when it comes to fitness programs
  • Few tips to fitness professionals on working with baby boomers
  • Who is Dan?
  • Who are Baby Boomers?

A few things you need to know about listening to the interviews:

  • To listen to the interview, scroll to the bottom of this page and click the play button symbol. Then you can listen to it on your computer when you like. If you do not have time to listen to it right now, just click the “download” button and download it to your computer.
  • Also, the interview is up on iTunes. You can listen to it here or subscribe to the iTunes podcast and get all the interviews when they are ready. Enjoy!
  • If you use Chrome as your web browser, it can sometimes act up when playing the interview. I suggest listening to the discussion in another web browser (Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.)
  • Here is a video explaining how to download the interview recording

If you want to learn more about Dr. Dan Ritchie and see what balance screen and exercise program he uses, plus the business stuff he uses to attract baby boomer client’s into this fitness business, you can check out Booming PT Profits.

If you have a neat specialization or business information that would benefit fitness professionals. Please contact me; I would love to share it with the EFI world.

If you know of a fitness professional that may benefit from this, please forward it to them. Take care.

I am looking forward to getting your feedback on the interview.

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. – If you liked this kind of interview, here are some other articles that may interest you:

  • 3 Steps to Getting Medical Referrals
  • Strange Personal Training and Bootcamp Business Marketing Tactics

Functional Strength for Seniors
