When To Progress Your Rehab Exercises

When To Progress Your Rehab Exercises

There are guidelines to follow to progress your rehab exercises.

I am responding to a question from a Fixing Elbow Pain version 2 customer. The question was:

The 3 Stages to the Program

If you look at Fixing Elbow Pain version 2, the rehab part I designed works in 3 Stages.

I have broken them down because each stage ends up being one month or about four weeks. Everyone would start at Stage 1, and during those four weeks, they would stay on Stage 1.

With some of the exercises, you might find them too easy. How you would know that they are too easy is you will start to feel no benefit from them. They feel too easy, and it doesn’t feel like the muscles are working or being challenged. It doesn’t feel like you are strengthening up the muscles. You don’t feel like you are loosening up the muscles with the self-massage. You don’t feel like you are stretching the muscles.

What to do if the Exercises are Too Easy

If the exercises are too easy, you will go through the rehab manual, where I give you ideas for progressing the exercises. Follow the steps to make that exercise more challenging, so you maintain a rehab effect that will help you overcome your elbow pain.

Exceptions to the Rule

After you have gone through those progressions, the next step is to go to the next stage. With some of the exercises, when it comes to your time frame, you might still be in Stage 1, but some of the exercises are too easy, so you might end up moving on to Stage 2. That is okay.

Sum It All Up

There you go; that’s how you know when to progress regarding the exercises. So everyone starts on Stage 1. This serves as the foundation. Within those Stage 1 exercises, you have progressions that you can make. When you stop feeling any benefit, you then move to the Stage 2 exercise, and when you again start feeling no benefit, you move to the Stage 3 exercise.

If one of the stages gets too challenging, you have to move back. Remember to do the exercises in the order of the components I talked about because each component ends up building on the other. I call it a pain-free compounding effect.

You might end up picking up exercises here and there and doing them randomly, but you will get many more benefits if you do each of the components in the order I talked about and stack and build up pain-free results.

There you go. Thank you very much for the question. If you have any other questions for me, you can send them to [email protected].

Lastly, if you are looking for a program to help you overcome your elbow pain, visit the program that Jedd Johnson and I put together called Fixing Elbow Pain.

Take care and bye-bye.

Rick Kaselj, MS

Tennis Elbow Pain Solution