3 Best Exercises To Do on a Plane

3 Best Exercises To Do on a Plane

Everyone knows that when you are sitting on a plane, you are cramped,d and the seats are small. You may be stiff and sore when you get off the plane. In this video, I wanted to go through the three best exercises to do on a plane.

There is not a lot of room on a plane, but there are a couple of exercises that you can do to keep your body loose and limber so that you feel more refreshed when you get off the plane.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I had Donnalee demonstrate the exercises.

1. Leg Drag

Take a step forward with your left leg and drag your right leg behind you. Switch and step forward with your right foot, dragging your left leg back. Contract your glutes and hamstrings, and stretch the front of your legs, hip flexors, and quads.

Leg Drag Exercise

Leg Drag

No one cares what you are doing. You can easily do this in the aisle as you head to the back of the plane to the washroom. This will help wake up your glutes and hamstrings. It will also loosen up the front of your hips and mobilize and move your pelvis area. This is helpful, as those areas tend to tighten up while sitting on a long flight.

2. Standing Back Extension

With your feet about shoulder width apart, cup your pelvis with your hands and arch your back as comfortably as possible. Hold this for a second and then return to the start. Do five repetitions.

Standing Back Extension Exercise- Exercises To Do on a Plane

Standing Back Extension

This is a great exercise for about 95% of people. For others, this exercise may not work. So start slowly with controlled movements. If this feels good, continue doing it. If it doesn’t, discontinue the exercise.

You can do the Standing Back Extension in the aisle or washroom.

3. Seated Reaching for the Sky

Try to decompress your spine, and decrease the stress that has built up in your spine from sitting for a long period. Perform this while sitting in your chair or the washroom. Put your arms down and relax. Bring your arms overhead and reach for the Sky.

Seated Reaching for the Sky exercise- Exercises To Do on a Plane

Seated Reaching for the Sky

Hold for about 5 to 10 seconds; reach and try to decompress.

If you are on a plane and looking for easy exercises that will loosen and rejuvenate you, give those three exercises a go.

Final Word

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

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