In this video, I will go through 3 stretches to help open up your hips.
The muscles in the hips are extremely important for stability and injury prevention. Tight hips are extremely common. These tight hips lead to changing posture and increased risk of back pain, knee pain, and other injuries. Unfortunately, most of us sit far too much. This prolonged sitting time can cause the hip flexors to tighten up and get short and painful. This leads to muscle imbalances in the body and things like poor posture. This can cause back pain, knee pain, and even ankle pain. It is important to do stretches like the ones in this post whenever you can.
3 Stretches To Help Open Up Your Hips
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These three exercises you can do any time will help loosen up your hips and help prevent muscle imbalances, poor posture, and other aches and pains.
I had Donnalee demonstrate the exercises.
1. Lunge Stretch
Take a big lunge step forward and try to open up that hip. Go to a comfortable level.
Lunge Stretch
Work on opening up that back hip. When you do this, start with a 20-second hold, twice on each side. Alternate it back and forth.
2. Pigeon Pose
Move your left leg out front and rotate it to the middle. Flex your toes back to protect your knee joint. Work on trying to straighten out that back leg. Open up the front hip and the back hip as well.
Pigeon Pose
Just like the other stretch, we are looking at holding this for 20 seconds. Repeat twice on each side. You should be feeling a light stretch. The first time you try this exercise, it might be a little bit awkward, but it will become easier to do.
3. Knee Openers
Sit down, bring the bottoms of your feet together, and then open up your knees so you can actively try to bring your knees to the ground. Try to open up those hips, and you will feel the stretch in your hip area. Hold this stretch for 20 seconds.
Knee Openers
Give those three stretches a go and see how your hips feel as you open and loosen them up. These will help you with your muscle imbalances and posture and prevent aches and pains in your hip, back, and knee area.
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Take care!
Rick Kaselj, MS
If you are interested in overcoming your Tight Hip Flexors in a fast, simple, safe, and effective program, click here to check out the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program.