5 Core Exercises With a Twist That Will Shock Your Abs

5 Core Exercises With A Twist That Will Shock Your Abs

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I got Jenna to demonstrate the 5 core exercises [²] with a twist.

1. Seated Bench Partner Anti-rotation

You need a partner to do this exercise. Begin in an upright sitting position. Your partner holds your shoulder and works on resisting your movement as you rotate your shoulders to one side and then the other side.

Seated Bench Partner Anti-rotation

Seated Bench Partner Anti-rotation

Another way of doing this exercise is by crossing your arms. Rotate your crossed arms to the side while your partner resists your movement.

Seated Bench Partner With Crossed Arms - core exercises with a twist

Seated Bench Partner With Crossed Arms

Perform one set of 5 reps each way in isometric contraction for about 2 seconds, and then progress up to 5 seconds. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to target the abs, especially through the twisting movement.

2. Seated Unstable Surface Anti-rotation

For this exercise, you will need a partner and an unstable surface to sit on. Sit tall on an unstable or constantly moving surface, where you can feel your abs working to maintain stability. Cross your arms out front and rotate your shoulders to the side. Your partner works on resisting your movement.

Seated Unstable Surface Anti-rotation - core exercises with a twist

Seated Unstable Surface Anti-rotation

Perform one set of 5 reps in each direction, with 2 seconds push. You can progress to a 5 seconds push. The intensity is light and easy on your spine. The purpose of this exercise is to work on the twisting movement of the core.

3. Abs Exercise Using a Resistance Band

For this exercise, you can use a resistance band, tubing, or a pulley that is hooked onto something stable. You can also do this exercise with a partner.

Stand in an upright position with the resistance band in your hands. Move into a lunge position. Pull the band from the side and extend the band out front for a couple of seconds. Then, pull it back toward your body slowly.

Abs Exercise Using a Resistance Band

Abs Exercise Using a Resistance Band

Perform one set of 5 reps on each side by pushing and pulling the band away and toward your body in a smooth, controlled movement. Have a good stop at each of the positions with your hands away and hands closed. The intensity can be light to moderate, depending on how strong you are with your core. The purpose of the exercise is to target the core and work on the abdominal muscles, [¹] but it is also easy and light on the spine.

4. Standing Anti-rotation

For this exercise, use a resistance band. Stand upright with a wide stance and knees slightly bent. Pull the band from the side, extending your arms out front. Hold that position for a couple of seconds and relax.

Standing Anti-rotation

Standing Anti-rotation

Perform one set of 5 reps on each side, holding the end position for 3 to 10 seconds. The intensity can be light to moderate, depending on how much resistance you have. The purpose of this exercise is to target the core and abs.

5. Anti-rotation Band Squat

For this exercise, use a resistance band or pulley. Stand upright with a wide stance. Pull the band from the side to get resistance from the band. Push the band with your arms out front and go through the squatting movement.

Anti-rotation Band Squat

Anti-rotation Band Squat

Perform one set of 5 reps of the squatting movement on each side, holding the anti-rotation for a period of time. The intensity can be light to moderate, depending on how much resistance you have. The purpose of this exercise is to target the core and ab muscles, but it is easy on the back.

Give these five core exercises with a twist a go. They are great core exercises that will shock your abs.

If you want to strengthen your core and back, flatten your belly and achieve your dream abs while keeping yourself injury-free, then click here to check out the Invincible Core program!

Invincible Core

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS